[@Sho Minazuki] I believe I'm done. Don't hesitate to tell me if anything seems out of order, though! :) [@Tancuras] These Vanguard dudes seem cool. It says Sheikah ninjas often work with Leaf Knights. Can my dude be your dude's partner? Like Starsky and Hutch >:^3 [@December] I think he meant that you can still sign up :) [hider=ABSOLUTELY] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0c/29/a1/0c29a1d160e3b67d4159d54f7d168f3f.jpg]FABULOUS[/url] Name: Rin Utoh Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Sheikah Personality: Rin is a laid-back guy who never loses his cool, even under intense pressure. He does not come across as a ninja, though. He's usually goofing off. Most people don't know he's a ninja, of course, but even if he went around telling everyone, it's doubtful anyone would believe him. His hobbies include long walks, floral arrangement, and painting. In his free time, he enjoys spending time drinking wine and chasing skirts. He's generally a very affable fellow, and easy to get along with. Biography: Rin is a man who enjoys the finer thing in life. Fine food, wine, painting, floral arrangement. But he especially liked to travel, which is why he trained as a Sheikah ninja under Jounin Haya. Perhaps a bit strangely, in spite of his laid-back demeanor, he excelled in most of the ninja arts, especially infiltration and disguise. He wasn't at the top of his class, but he was definitely in the top 5. However, he's never left Kakariko until fairly recently. He just recently completed his training, and has been mostly working gathering intelligence for the crown. Recently, he's been partnered with a Knight of the Leaf named Vesper Iacorra to investigate the murders in castle town. -Stats- (You have 10 points to distribute, more can be gained through play) Health: 0/10 Stamina: 10/10 Magic: 0/10 Hearts: 3 Stamina: 65 Magic: 15 Feats [Sheikah Trait] Eye of Truth - Sheikah have incredibly keen senses, which makes them excellent scouts. Sheikah are able to land projectile attacks from longer range than others. [Sheikah Ninja] Ninjutsu - The Sheikah are able to use magic at the cost of Stamina instead of Magic. The drawback is that magic done this way is not boosted by magic stat, however the cost for spells this way is halved. [TRAIT] Athletic - Rin is in extremely good shape. He regains 5 stamina every 2 posts. [TRAIT] Ambusher - Rin is very sneaky. If Rin attacks an opponent that can't see him, his first attack is a guaranteed hit. [TRAIT] Tremorsense - Using his Doton ninjutsu, Rin can sense things that are situated on earth or stone. He can sort of "see" by feeling along the ground. He can tell if people are nearby by feeling their footsteps. Note that he can only sense objects that are on dirt or stone, like bricks. It also only works while he's touching the ground himself. For example, if he's on a wood floor or in water, he can't use this power. [TECH] Acupuncture(5SP) - By targetting specific points on the subject's body with his throwing needles, he can disrupt the flow of ki through their body. This attack deals no damage. However, if hit, whenever the subject would spend magical power as a resource, they instead spend stamina. If they run out of stamina, they can't cast spells. [TECH] Rapid Fire - Rin throws projectiles in rapid succession. It costs 6 SP to throw 3 projectiles by default. He can spend additional SP to fire 1 extra shot for every 3 SP spent this way. Each projectile deals 1 heart of damage. [SPELL] Mask of Deceit(2MP/Turn)- Rin is the owner of a special Sheikah mask. When he wears it, he can manipulate his appearance to look like pretty much anyone he wants. The mask essentially becomes his new face. It also changes his clothes. Note that it doesn't change his physical form, just his appearance. So he can't fly if he disguises himself as a Rito, nor can he breathe underwater if he disguises himself as a Zora. Costs 2 MP/post. [SPELL] Doton - Sheikah Block - (5MP/10MP) Rin strikes the earth, excavating a portion of stone, clay, or dirt and moving it at will. He can control 1 cubic foot of material per MP spent. He can use it to block attacks. He can spend 5 MP to block 3 hearts worth of damage, or 10 MP to block 6. [SPELL] Doton - Burrow (10MP/Turn) Rin can dive into the earth, swimming through it like a Zora swims through water. He can't breathe while he does it, so he can stay underground for at most 1 post. Equipment- Main Weapon: Incendiary Kunai: These special kunai have been fit with special Sheikah technology. They explode! Either Rin can press the button on them to make them explode on impact, or he can rub the button on his fan, causing any ones not near him to explode. The explosions aren't huge, but they still hurt a lot. (3 damage) Off-Hand: Shuriken, kunai, and throwing needles. Armor: Kimono Other: Smoke bombs, more shuriken and kunai. Potions: 1 health, 1 stamina Theme Song: (Optional) Notes: He has [url=https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-WGGeLtGCLlA/VWiiGdXxkJI/AAAAAAAAfM0/5NvayUvy8Bo/s320/art19.jpg]a horse[/url]. The horse is named Aunt Dot and is mostly just as transport and to carry Rin's things. [/hider]