[@pyroman] Heidi sat down at watched Shawn. Of course, she immediately recognised the same move that she had told him to go for. She knew there was a large margin for error, but she okayed the plan anyway, partly because of trust for Shawn, and more importantly, partly because she couldn't handle the pressure or responsibility. The decision to not command everyone to follow one of her many risky plans because if it failed, it would be all her fault...She'd stepped down, and the failure was still her fault. In fact, doubly so because she didn't use her mutation to help in any way when she could have. Heidi didn't know how she could fix this before the next mission. Maybe a chat with Booker would be in order. Or maybe now she'd seen a real mission, she might already be better at knowing what to expect. Since that day, she had come up with a couple of plans that were now as risk free as possible, but the best one still had only an 81% success rate, and took several hours to come up with, including the research into brand new areas of physics to her, as well as the simulation records of every student on their team. Maybe she could adapt them if they ever run into that guy again. It was all she could really do.