[@December] There are technically a dozen spots available right now. I did say first come first serve, and by that I mean if you get a character accepted first you're in. [@HeroicSociopath] That looks pretty good. Let's go through your abilities though. Keep in mind I'm considering your Ninjutsu profession trait too. Everything that needs a change will be listed. If you don't see it here it means it was fine. For note though, put the cost next to the feat's name too. [hider] [FEAT] Athletic - Rin is in extremely good shape. He regains 5 stamina every post. [color=ed1c24](every 2, stamina is a scarcer resource because stamina users have a fairly reliable way to fight without the use of techniques, not as reliable as Health fighters, but they don't rely on it as much as Magic users do)[/color] [TECH]Acupuncture - By targetting specific points on the subject's body with his throwing needles, he can disrupt the flow of ki through their body. This attack deals no damage. However, if hit, whenever the subject would spend magical power as a resource, they instead spend stamina. If they run out of stamina, they can't cast spells. [color=ed1c24](This effect lasts 2 of the opponent's posts and costs 5 stamina. This is actually really strong and can shut down certain players completely)[/color] [TECH] Rapid Fire - Rin throws projectiles in rapid succession. It costs 3 MP per projectile, and deals 1 heart of damage for each one thrown. [color=ed1c24](You unleash a burst of three shots at 6 MP by default)[/color] [SPELL] Doton - Sheikah Block - Rin strikes the earth, excavating a portion of stone, clay, or dirt and moving it at will. He can control 1 cubic foot of material per MP spent. He can throw it at an enemy, dealing 1 heart of damage for every 5 MP spent. Because the projectile is made of completely natural material, the attack itself is not considered magical. [color=ed1c24](Costs 5 MP at base so it creates 3 projectiles, costs 10 MP for strong version with 6 projectiles. This shouldn't be a problem considering your profession trait)[/color] [SPELL] Vanish - Rin disappears in a puff of smoke, reappearing elsewhere with 30 feet. Costs 10 MP. [color=ed1c24](I expect this will be used mainly for escape? If so then it's fine)[/color][/hider] Other than all that, you could stand to elaborate a bit more what he was like during his Sheikah ninja training. After you've done all that I think it should be okay.