[quote=@mdk] That works both ways though. The MOAB drop spread far more effectively across borders too. Also since WW2, the US has vastly (Vaaaaaastly) increased its military superiority to every other nation on earth, so our shows-of-force are more effective than they've ever been (short of nuking). Non-state actors have been kicking our ass in the information-sharing department for a long time, in no small part because the last two presidents took a vastly different approach. New sheriff, new strategy, and it's a pretty sound one. [/quote] I agree to some extent with that. I'm not going to pretend to understand fully the distinction between the strategies used, however the repetitive use of drone strikes didn't appear to be accomplishing anything to me. I don't necessarily favour a stronger approach than previously but I do favour a more purposeful one. I know that here in the UK for awhile our government only bothered to bomb ISIS before press releases, it was absurdly passe. But globalised communications bring the fight home too. No matter how much spending you put into the military they can't fight a war in your own country. If we want to stop terrorism, which is supposedly what this is about, we have to engage in the ideological war at home too. Trump is vastly outgunned in that department. He's a caricature of an American who repeatedly seems incapable of seeing other viewpoints or stringing an argument together. He's done nothing but stir up divisions at home so far.