WHY ARE ALL THE DECENT WRITERS INSANE OR SUPER UP THEIR OWN ASS (not us obviously)!? I mean Gen, real talk, you probably got actual stalkers here, too. Like, not just looking into your profile, but checking your threads and posts. In fact, one of these fucking guests might be one of them. I mean SHIT, at least HushedWhispers was cool about it. You know she hit me up, mentioned she liked your work, thought I was neato, but she was super anime schoolgirl about it and wouldn't actually talk to you? That was cute as fuck, but yo, she needs to hit your ass up for a Marvel rp. I'd do some Steve Rogers x Pepper Potts for you but I'm stretched thin as fuck. Yo Kaminari probably in here right now and you wouldn't even know. Tell me you just got a chill down your spine from that creepy shit? Dude if I'm watching your thread I'm not hiding from shit. I'm UP IN YOUR THREAD AND I'M SEEING WHAT THE FUCK IS GOOD UP IN HERE YO! I AIN'T GOTTA HIDE! LMFAO You need to tell me why YOU hate her. I'm just bored of her plotline, bored to death really...