I mean... she's got your number, soooooo you'd think she'd text. Lmfao I'm sorry, I'm starting to scare MYSELF now that I'm bringing this up. Oh dude it's even worse when you post but they never do. Thanks for nothing, shitlord. And yeah that dude was hella into essay throwing I was like 'whoaaaaa Genkai found the one for DW!' and then he was gone again :C noooooooooooooo~~~ They flock to her because they saw her titties like five times lmfao and the Dragon thing is dumb as fuck to me because sometimes they listen to her and sometimes they don't and is there any explanation for it? Are they loyal to her or naw? Her dragons are only useful if they listen rather than run around killing children. And frankly, I'm really over her wish for the throne. That was what her brother wanted most; she can sit where she is and make a better life for people there. Westeros is so FUCKED right now xD