Bonny would have added something, anything, to the conversation if she felt she could. A lot of the time in school she was only half paying attention anyways; absorbing the rather mutantless history while daydreaming (not actually sleeping, heavens forbid) through the day. She never really questioned it, instead aggressively concerning herself with keeping her mind calm and happy so she didn’t suffer a nightmare. But now that her surroundings have changed from that of the norm to that of mutants, she was learning more and more. It felt a little embarrassing that she even suggested textbooks after Sally tore them down so relentlessly. She watched the interaction between the librarian and Sally curiously. Sally asked where the books were, addressed a professor by a first name, and the librarian said at the end that Sally should already know where they were and called /her/ by a nickname. It was all awkwardly informal, leading Bonny to question who this person was more and more. Should she ask more about her? It would be rude of her to do so without wanting to provide an answer in response in some areas. But she was curious. They reached the left side of the library, and Bonny looked up and down the hall. “Should we split up to look for books? We know the time period stuff is up front, and the specific stuff is in the back. If we split up it might be quicker for us to gather everything.”