[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/M5I1dzL.png[/img][/center] [center][i][h2][color=faebd7][b][u][color=0072bc] ~Bastion~ [/color][/u][/b] [sup][sup][color=silver]Current Location: Arcadia[/color] [/sup][/sup][/color][/h2][/i][/center] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/1HlTL4h.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] Good news. Henry had finally left the battlefield, leaving the remaining Machina units and Balrog, maybe. Bad news too. Victoire’s haze of red mist had encompassed nearly all of what was left of Arcadia. Given most of them were Machina, it was almost a fruitless battle. Bastion was suffering the worst from it, writhing in place as the collar injected dark energy into her veins. She flopped and gasped, making intake of the mist all the easier. [color=0072bc]“Grhh, damnit!”[/color] she spat, feeling her muscles soon lax into putty as her mind grew blank. Having already died about two times in the same battle, her body wasn’t going to be able to keep up and a third time would be nearing soon. With Henry gone as well, the platform beneath her dissipated and she plopped like a rock into the redness below. Identifying her body would be impossible but that wasn’t really needed; by the time she hit the ground anyway, she was already dead. A few minutes later and she had spawned back in Hyperion with a cough and a bad headache. Within the breaches of Hell, one ruler was wondering how well her forces could screw up this time. While it seemed very likely they would win the battle of Arcadia, some of the more idiotic members in her Faction decided to either break the rules or get themselves caught. Lucille held the action to roll her eyes when she felt the demonic presence around her thin out, only further annoyed by Henry’s sloppy arrival. [color=00a651]“If you keep moaning, I’m going to keep ignoring you,”[/color] she told Henry from her throne. [color=00a651]“Actually, I don’t mind if you bleed out here. You’ll spawn back in Hell either way so as long as you don’t stain my floor with your own failure, we should be good,”[/color] Lucille continued. Back in Heaven, the almighty Imperator frowned as Zeruel spoke. Speak of these mysterious figures had her concerned and she wondered if…well, there was one person who needed to solve this. [color=gold]“Iona. Summon Juno here immediately. Take whatever resources you so need, but I want you to deal with this Ragnorak matter,”[/color] she said. Then Torag appeared, spouting about peace and whatnot while Zeruel practically bit his head off for such blasphemy. And the Imperator would have swiftly agreed with such childish talk…however, one phrase from the message Zeruel delivered struck her deeply. “Ragnorak”. What exactly did that mean in this context? It was enough to make her pause and reconsider her next set of words. [color=gold]“Curb your tongue Laguna. Torag may very well be speaking sense in these times,”[/color] the Imperator said. [color=gold]“I will consider your offers of advice Harbinger of Light. As for Gregorovic, I suggest doing as the Laguna has said and putting him down for good. Until I decide on these possibilities for collaboration among the other factions, I will not censor my own judgement for now.”[/color] [hr] [center][@Inner Demon], [@Lmpkio], [@Banana], [@floodtalon], [@The 42nd Gecko], [@Mega Birb], [@Awesomoman64], [@Ryonara], [@Flamelord], [@Lucius Cypher], [@Lonewolf685][/center]