Maiko was partially satisfied that they probably maybe weren't kidnapped, but she still couldn't wrap her head around what was happening. The others went on talking, seemingly blithely accepting they were talking to the real Tsukuyomi who was feeding them a story about Strange Gospel and some other wacky nonsense. Were they really supposed to just stop and accept that there was an evil dark tower in a mystical world with "dark creatures" coming out of it? When did dark creatures become a thing? The only thing the "goddess" mentioned that Maiko actually knew about was the "Akashic Record". This was something Maiko had heard about; the notion of a mystical record sitting in an ethereal plane that could be looked into by trained individuals. But that was a Buddhist concept, and they were supposedly talking to Tsukuyomi. Was the pre-Meiji syncretic faith system the true religion after all? Maiko was called back to reality when they were presented with the case of USBs. Now they were being offered "powers" in the form of computer storage devices? She was starting to wonder if this person was just trying to feed them as much nonsense as possible to see where they would just give up and walk away. Speaking of walking away, Keita once again reminded her of more regular concerns. "You know, I really need to get back to work too..." She added to his line of questioning. Frankly, she'd rather go back to work than keep trying to nut out what the heck was going on here.