Dodger was lost in thought, eyes glazed over as she fantasized about all the new creatures she’d design and draw. One of the only reasons she desired/agreed to come was because of the opportunity to meet new creatures. Of course, she would look from an arms-length away. After all, she was no idiot and would not allow herself to become so enthralled with the designs as to forget common sense. No matter the species, anyone could become a threat. [i]You know that first hand, do you not?[/i] Her mind nudged her, Dodger shaking her head slightly to push away that side of her. Last thing she needed was to be reminded of more depressing aspects of her existence. While her eyes were wandered over each nook and cranny of her surroundings in order to look for some quiet corner for her to draw in, she was brought from her thoughts by the sound of footsteps joining hers. Glancing beside her, she was greeted with a man maybe 10-20 years older than her she would gauge, yet with in inclusion of supernatural creatures in this school, she would not allow physical appearances to blind her too much. [i]He is rather attractive… yet something about him has me on edge.[/i] And as soon as he opened his mouth and the deceptively sweet and polite words fell from his mouth, she was well aware of what was happening. The fake happiness and the charm… she’d dealt with many people in her past who acted like that. Putting on an interested tone and giving these ‘So sweet, you might get diabetes’ smiles. And they always wanted something from her. So, while she was unsure as to why he-, oh right, Dr. Esker, would want her for something… she would find out. Giving a small yet equally fake smile, she stretched out her hand and let it slip into his. Giving a small yet not weak shake, she introduced herself. “Pleasure to meet you, I’m Dodger. And uh, sure.” She added with a small nod. [@GarlandDaHero]