[hider=D-Class Personnel File: Jason Alexander] Appearance: [hider=Photo Taken of Subject Prior to Capture][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GiSDyt0.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Name: Jason Alexander Age: 21 Gender: Male Personnel Classification: D Personality: Jason is a relatively relaxed and generally calm individual, though while young his maturity is notable at times for one who has recently exited his teenage years. Subject possesses a strong will to live, as noted in an interview prior to him being administered with amnesiacs, and is generally willing to work with others in groups in order to achieve a goal. However, subject has also shown the drive to be independent should he feels it would be most beneficial to the situation. Proficiency at video games and an enjoyment of them has been noted as being possessed by the subject as well, though he also seems to have some talent in regards to poetry in general that he is hesitant to admit to others. Overall, the subject has been determined as being relatively average in regards to personality, though his college-level intellect and willingness to learn have been noted as being of some potential for possible future employment at the Foundation. Likes: Reading, Literature, Sleep, Video Games, Stuffed Crust Pizza Dislikes: Final's Week, Chemistry, Seagulls (apparently stemming from some childhood incident), Smoking Skills: Subject is very notable in regards to running and his above average physical stamina all from his personal physical exercise. Having worked a ways into a Biology degree he possesses some knowledge in that area that could possibly be of use as well. A willingness to exercise caution and form plans notes a possible capabilities for being a leader or a strategist among a group, though examination of the subject's past is not conclusive on the matter. In the case he loses his glasses, at least one of his eyes is able to compensate for his vision well enough to act and go about without hindrance, though the far-sightedness in his left eye is of note in regards to his possible vulnerabilities. Biography: The subject, Jason, was raised in a rather average home in the American Southeast, though with his grandparents having moved from the North and Midwest respectively, and his own parents possessing rather neutral accents, he in the end lacked any sort of accent as a result. Investigation into the subject's life for purposes of seeing if he possessed any psychotic qualities too dangerous for a Class-D Personnel showed a rather average life with marked intelligence on the subject's part that led to him eventually going to college. Though very lean, he has shown general physical fitness from a daily routine of walking and running at his local park and on a treadmill to keep healthy, and his stamina and running speed is above-average as a result of his fitness. He has also learned how to shoot a rifle or a shotgun from friends during high school, being a decent shot. However, he cannot be classified as being an "athletic" individual overall outside of his keeping generally fit, though perhaps "well-rounded" would be the best words for him. Even after his capture and being administered with Class-D Amnesiacs so he can perform the role of a Class-D subject, Jason has still been provided with the glasses he commonly wears for his lack of near-sighted vision in his left eye (while the right eye remains mostly normal and requires very minimum compensation), which several copies of were reproduced by SCP-[b][REDACTED][/b] as part of a multitude of general tests related to examining its capabilities. With all this being said, i give my recommendation that he is fit to be used for testing, but that we possibly invest in this subject as future personnel after his release and being administered additional Amnesiacs to remove his memories at this facility. -Dr. [b][REDACTED][/b], Lead Supervisor of D-Class Personnel Recruitment [/hider]