[quote=@QueenOfTheBee] [hider=Mary Hills] [center]Actor Details: Current Appearance: [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/underthedome/images/7/75/Grace_Victoria_Cox.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140708004554[/img] Name: Mary Erin Hills Nickname: N/A Age: 25 Place of Origin: Liverpool, UK Relationship Status: [N/A] Occupation: Actress Biography: Mary was born in Liverpool, UK to a literature professor at the University of Oxford and a maths professor at the University of Bristol. Growing up, Mary was an only child, meaning that she got all of the attention her parents could give her from their jobs. As a result, she was exposed to a variety of things, most notably theater. Her parents, against her wishes, dragged her to Shakespearean plays whenever they happened to be on. Her mother's favorite play, for some odd reason, happened to be Hamlet. As a result, Mary despises any mention of the play no matter the context. As a student in secondary school, she was in the theater program at said school. She excelled as an actress, having many people come to the plays just to see her. As a result, this snagged attention from the people of Edenridge High, where she agreed to terms to appear on the show. She was often bounced between the Atlantic Ocean because of this show. Having to make trips between Massachusetts and the United Kingdom every so often. It didn't help that Mary was a big fan of airplanes. After the show ended, Mary went to the University of London to study acting. She starred in plenty of productions put on by her university and local television productions. As she continued with her career, she landed bigger and bigger roles, even having a minor role in a movie which hit national theaters. However, once she caught wind of a revival, she expressed immediate interest on her twitter account. She was excited to see old friends again. Character Details: (Basically the same as above but for the character they play on the show) Name: Allison McLaughlin Nickname: Ally Age: 16; 26 Place of Origin: Boston, MA, USA Relationship Status: Single! Occupation: School Psychiatrist Biography: Allison had come into Edenridge as the local sweetheart. Allison wore her heart on her sleeve and gave no care in the world about what other people thought about her. She had a lot of people who were quite fond of her, but very people around the school were actually her friend. She went through high school with only having one meaningful relationship, which, as a result had made her swear to never date in high school again. Allison was well aware that she was nowhere near ready to have a relationship. The poor sweetheart's first heartbreak had ruined her. She was depressed for weeks, and barely anybody had noticed because of how well she put up her facade. She always smiled through the pain, no matter how much it hurt. After high school, Allison went up north to study Psychiatry, specializing in the psychiatry of adolescents. As a result, she graduated with a Bachelor's degree (with honors) in quick time, and landed her job back in Edenridge with ease. Being an alumni and having a diploma of her caliber helped tremendously. She now assists in many cases the counselors forward to her, and also talks to those students that are having a hard time or having mental illnesses.[/center][/hider] [/quote] Accepted. Just letting everyone know I'll only be on my phone for the next few days so I won't be able to post but I can keep up with everything