Reaching an arm around, Elizabeth massaged her aching shoulder. Her entire body was sore from pushing herself and running for survival. Erin was slowing down too and she could tell the girl was in just as much agony even if she wasn't saying anything. Still, following the group up through the dark tunnels wasn't nearly as taxing as trying to survive in the city. She couldn't help but think of all the people who decided to stay behind in the courthouse. Had any of them made it out before the bombs dropped? When they emerged just under the highway, she was surprised by just how prepared the preacher seemed to be. There was even a van waiting for them at the highway. A protective hand resting on Erin's shoulder as she looked like she wanted to bolt towards the man with cookies, the girl waited anxiously until Elizabeth gave her the signal to go ahead. Running forward, she happily grabbed one of the cookies and enthusiastically thanked him. During the ride up the mountain, Erin fell asleep against Elizabeth, her arms wrapped around the woman's waist. Stroking her dark hair, she turned her gaze to stare out the window at the trees passing by. With the city destroyed, she hoped that meant whatever happened had been an isolated incident. It worried her that she still hadn't been able to find a working phone to try to contact her ex. She found with each day that passed it grew harder for her to stay focuses as her anxiety increased. Elizabeth knew she wouldn't be able to stop until she reached them and heard his voice—or his gurgling gibberish sounds since he hadn't been at the age where he could properly speak. Waking Erin up just before they arrived at the station, the girl had a new burst of energy that the woman envied. If only a nap could make her as refreshed. Exiting the van with the other survivors, it wasn't long before she heard Erin gasp and felt her hands tug on her skirt to get her attention. “Lizzy,” she exclaimed. “Look!” Turning to see where she was pointing, her initial instinct was shock. She never expected to see Ethan again. After what happened to Ava, she thought the same thing would have happened to him. “Holy shit,” she mused in awe. As annoyed as the bastard was, she had to say it was nice to see a familiar face. He wasn't the only one either as Dallen appeared to join him shortly after. A scoff of amusement as she never expected to be reunited with them again, she was still wrapping her mind around the coincidence. When he knelt down to her height, the little girl ran forward to give him a hug. “The church was scary at first 'cause of the tunnels,” she told him. “But I got to eat cookies and peaches, so it was okay.” Erin looked over her shoulder towards Elizabeth as she added, “And Lizzy was with me.” Elizabeth had to admire Erin's positive outlook. Even after losing everything and seeing so much death around her, she was able to find and hold onto some good. As Dallen acknowledged her with a nod, she returned it with a half smile of her own. She was surprised he was still alive too. He was crazy as hell, proven by the stunt he'd pulled back at the school. But it seems they both made it out alive. After their initial hellos, Erin went back to Elizabeth, standing close to her leg as she shyly watched all of the new people around them. It looked like this place was still functioning like normal rather than the strict regime she'd experienced at the courthouse. These people appeared to just be biding their time for now rather than fighting for survival which gave her a bit of hope. “Are the phones working?” she asked, her gaze moving to anyone that might have an answer. Erin stared curiously at her wondering why she needed a phone. “Dunno,” Ethan replied. Since there wasn't anyone he would call he hadn't tried to use it. “But there's one in the lodge at the front desk.” She looked at Erin. Though she didn't want to leave her, she knew Dallen had a daughter of his own somewhere—he'd worked hard to save her at the school. So if anyone could be trusted with her, he could. “Stay with Mr. Larson until I get back, okay?” Giving a nod of understanding, it was combined with the expression of disapproval as she didn't want to be separated either. But she didn't talk back and instead went to stand beside the man as she was told to do, taking his hand. When Elizabeth was out of sight, the little girl looked up at expectantly at him with her big brown eyes.