[@XxLyraxX] V.2 Half of the the previous CS is now [DATA EXPUNGED]. [hider=D-Class Personnel File: D-0726] [color=f26522][center][h1]Frederick James[/h1][/center][/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/T27DJmK.jpg[/img][/center] Age: 38 Gender: Male Personnel Classification: D Personality: Has an aggressive social behaviour and subject often reacts to even the smalles provocation with physical violence. It is generally agreed that the subject's volatile nature comes from some kind of mental trauma suffered during his pre-teen years. The exact cause is unknown, and the subject denies any claims about his childhood or his mental state. However, it cannot be said the the subject is psychopathic in any way. He is fully aware of the pain he is causing, and shows no signs of actions that are common amongst psychopathic patients. The subject whilst not inherently co-operative, performs well in social activities, and has no problems conversing with other inmates. D-0726 has a rash personality, and the overwhelming attitude from him has already made some of the weaker D-Class personnel follow him around. However, the subject seems to pay no interest to these followers and largely ignores them. Likes: Subject has no known attachements to anything. It is suspected that the subject enjoys a good fight more than anything. Dislikes: Virtually everything presented to D-0726 triggers a negative reaction in the subject's brain. The subject is in a general state of discomfort whenever he is confronted by even the smallest of issues, and reacts with agression to the presence of guards. Skills: Subject's body is in excellent physical conditions, and has no mentionable record of dieases or major injuries. This is most likely due to the nature of his childhood and his line of work before arriving at SCP Site ██. The martial skills of D-0726 are also noteworthy, as observed many times during his fights with the guards during [DATA EXPUNGED]. According to the pre-SCP biography of the subject, he posesses additional skills with firearms and crude weapons, but we have never experimented with such tools since his arrival. A more notable feature of the subject is the way his willpower affects his physical condition. This effect is similar one's will to live, however in this case the effect is more reliant on how agitated the subject is, rather than how much danger he is facing. During fights, the subject shows only minor signs of exhaustion or pain despite serious the injuries inflicted on him. He will not stop this violent behaviour until knocked out either by blunt force or by electroshock. We are unsure whether this is due to his mental ailments which seemingly cancel such inputs from reaching his brain, or because of some unknown factor that is yet to be dsicovered. Nevertheless, D-0726 should always be confronted by at least 3 guards equipped with high-voltage tazers. [u]Addendum:[/u] As of ██-█-████ subject has been confirmed to have limited mental capabilities after taking a [DATA EXPUNGED] test. These limits manifest in areas of storing knowledge and remembering memories, as the subject was unable to properly recall new information that was showed to him mere minutes ago. It also appears that the subject is suspectible to losing control of himself, as demonstrated by his actions against the research staff, when he repeatedly attacked them whilst yelling "make it stop", and continued this behaviour even as he was being applied a few hundred-thousand volts through a tazer. Biography: Subject D-0726, formerly known as Frederick James was born in Atlanta in ██-█-████. He raised in poverty and from a young age he resorted to a life of crime. He never finished elementary school and dropped out after 7th grade. Known to be in contact with many drug dealers and bands that sold other illegal substances. He was sent to a mid-sec prison in Texas after two charges of felony assault. After 1 year he escaped the prison by digging a tunnel out of his cell using makeshift tool he made using materials he gathered from various places. During his escape he killed 2 guards with a plastic fork. For 2 years he managed to escape the offical authority, until he was arrested for drunken driving in the state of Nevada. After identification he was sent to a max-sec prison in [REDACTED]. After succesfully inciting a riot he escaped with most of the inmates before the police arrived. Subject became involved with Foundation when he was apprehended by a SWAT team in ██-█-████. He had a short trial consisting of reading up his crimes, and then he was sentenced to death penalty for his actions, most importantly his confirmed kill count of 17 priosn guards in 2 states, and 4 cases of felony assault resulting in murder in 3 different states. SCP staff member [REDACTED] expressed high demand for such a volatile and tenacious inmate. Subject D-0726 has been transported to Site ██, and was quickly determined to be extremely dangerous after attempts on the life of inmates and guards. [u]Addendum:[/u] Subject has a history in gang warfare, and it seems like some of the D-Class personnel from death row recognize him. This could lead to potential unrest amongst the other inmates, and subject should be carefully observed when he is dealing with other personnel. [u]Note:[/u] Subject D-0726 is currently one of the most volatile inmates, and he should not be taken lightly. Only his first day here, and he has already managed to beat up some of our guards and severly injure one other D-Class personnel. It is advised that he will be removed as quickly as possible. Otherwise the subject is perfectly fit for experimenting, thought caution is advised when using him with mind-altering or memetic anomalies as the side-effects may be adverse and could be potnetially harmful to both the anomaly and the Foundation. - Dr. ███████ [/hider]