[center][h2][b][color=9966cc][u] J U N O [/u][/color][/b][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JsnudNW.png[/img] [b][color=9966cc]Current Location: Celestia[/color][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img] [/center] In a place known by many, but seen by few, far away from the zones of conflict and war of the Nexus, stood the [url=http://i.imgur.com/JdHJeAZ.jpg][b][color=9966cc]Star Magus' Observatory[/color][/b][/url]. And, within said Observatory that was not only Ciel's home and sanctum, lived plenty of the Celestial Spirits. One particular purple-haired being that was a member of this elusive class was right now sat by a rich dinner table, that was Juno, or as known by some [url=http://i.imgur.com/ATz1ntP.png][b][color=9966cc]Eclipse Princess[/color][/b][/url]. Along with her, there was another lavender-haired, seemingly much [url=http://i.imgur.com/w5AIExg.jpg][b][color=9966cc]younger girl[/color][/b][/url]. The two of them indulged in the plentiful dinner, unaware of the machinations that went by back at Celestia. [color=9400d3]"Oi, mom, you can't just take all the chicken, leave some for me too!"[/color] the younger girl said, addressing Juno. [color=9966cc]"Hmph! Fine, but I want a bite of that steak, Celly,"[/color] Juno replied, teleporting a whole piece of delicious-looking grilled steak from where her daughter, Celene, or Celly, for Juno, was hoarding them. [color=9400d3]"Come on, mom! That was the best one of them. Give it back!"[/color] One could see the tension rising in the dining room. Sparks of purple energy filled the air as the two girls stared at one another. A moment later Celene would stab forth with her fork while her mom was about to dump the golden, fatty steak on the black hole that stood for Juno's stomach. Though, as she missed the initial strike, the only solution left to Celene as to show some of the snake-like agility for which her mom was known for and bite the other end of the steak. What ensued was a tug-of-war between the two girls as each sought to one-up the other in a mother-daughter duel, whose prize was the best beef on the table. At least until a voice quite known to both came from the direction of the kitchen. [color=fff79a]"My, my, the two of you are very lively, uh?"[/color] Said none other than [url=http://i.imgur.com/UyfgEfT.jpg][b][color=9966cc]Aquila[/color][/b][/url], the harpy high-priestess of Drasil, the Dragon Goddess of the Wind. Interestingly enough, the white feathered avian girl was dressed in a full maid outfit, serving the table where Juno and Celene ate. Their meal would continue like that, including Juno eventually letting Celene have whatever she wanted to have before the Spatial Warrior chose what to eat, or 'losing' whenever the two of them got into another fight over some bit of food. For as much enjoyable as it was to compete against her own daughter while helping her become a better fighter than Juno will ever be, as a mother she couldn't really neglect her child's whims. It was especially hard to do when Juno was already a big-hearted fool. Obviously, she would never do anything that would hurt her daughter. Either way, such carefree meal —all paid by Hohenheim, obviously— came to an end when Aquila returned once more, bearing a message from that Ciel had received from none other than Iona. [color=fff79a]"Excuse me,"[/color] the harpy said in a calm voice, [color=fff79a]"it seems that Master Ciel got asked to call the two of you to Celestia. Apparently, there's a crisis that requires Miss Juno's assistance. That's all that I know."[/color] It's not necessary to say that both mother and daughter looked quite dejected at the news. It's not everyday that they could enjoy this kind of moment, yet it wasn't like Juno could ignore such a call. Not if she wanted to keep Celene safe and, if she were lucky, maybe there was some good fighting involved. Nothing beats a good fight after a good dinner, after all. [color=9966cc]"Hmm, I think there's no way, then, uh?"[/color] Juno said. One moment later, after saying parting with Aquila, the Snake of the World and her little snakeling, would be back at Celestia. Standing before the Imperator and whoever else was in the throne room. As she stood there observing, Juno wondered why she had been called while eyeing Zeruel with suspicion. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img] [@TheWindel] [@Lmpkio] [@Mega Birb] [/center]