[@Raddum] [quote]Lewis just glared at this young child who waddled her ass over here and called him an "old fart". He knew he wasn't the youngest man in the Wal but dammit he was still in his primes! Maybe it was the beard or something but he just let a low growl escape his throat. Once he swallowed some of his pride however, the fact that said child was a dorf dawned on him. No one would actually let their child come into this place unless they were truly terrible parents and then there was the issue of the toy-built "sword" that hung at her waist and the cobbled together shield. "Yes missy, I'm still looking for companions." Lewis rolled his eyes under his hood, hiding some lingering annoyance, "I suggest you take a seat; you're the first one here and I ain't going out with only one person."[/quote]