Dodger gave a small laugh, a grin appearing on her face as she began to feel more in control of the situation. “Trust me, it’s not nearly as glamorous as you’d think. Perhaps a bit anti-climactic as I think about it but it should be interesting for you none the less.” She mused before turning in the opposite direction that they’d been walking, towards the opposite staircase. “Don’t worry, dear sir.” She teased after seeing him bow to her. “I’ll lead the way. Besides, I am quite interested in you.” Before she began walking towards the downstairs. [i]Stay calm, stay calm. Sure, he was being creepy with him wanting you to go to his room but it’s okay. Just stay calm and focus on figuring him out and getting information. It should give you a better idea on him and remember to be confident![/i] [@GarlandDaHero]