[quote=@Divine Darkness] Anybody seen the Cloak and Dagger trailer? [/quote] I just watched it for like the 5th time today. I said it before, I had faith in the Freeform Network from day one, and they didn't disappoint. Now the shitfest that was Squirrel Girl and the New Warriors might actually be worth a damn, if the rest of the cast isn't shit. Nova likely won't be there because of the Nova Corps in the GotG movies. Justice and Firestar are out because they're mutants. I doubt they gave right to Namor, Namorita, and Atlantis to Freeform so of the original team only Night Thrasher and Speedball remain. I have a feeling we'll see the crappier members like Turbo, Aegis, Bolt, etc... but hey... we may see somebody cool like Darkhawk. ~KL~