[color=midnightblue][h3][b]Logan Rivers[/b][/h3][/color] Logan gave a fake shiver in response to Kait’s cold response to him as she turned and left. His attention turned back to Decky, who Logan didn’t find half as intimidating as he was guessing the guy was trying to be. Logan had spent last year hanging out with Charlie’s crew who were all part of an actual gang and he certainly wasn’t going to be intimidated by this guy. As Decky was going off on him some little freshmen, Decky’s brother, showed up and Decky completely changed his tone and focused on the kid. “Come on Dec, everyone knows you Beau’s little teacher’s pet, I mean out of all the teachers here I’d have gone for Ms. Williams but hey whatever you’re into.” He said reference the attractive young English teacher and the fact that Decky was frequently talking to Mr. Beau around the school. “Me and Kait can crawl into whatever bed we’d like, not everyone wants some bullshit conformist monogamous relationship. So, either you and your bitch quit bothering my friend or we’re gonna have a problem that’s not sorted with words.” Logan said even as Decky had turned his attention to Danny. “Hey, Freshmeat, how’s big boy school going. You know, your brother here is trying to lecture me right now and I think he needs a chill pill, but then again I heard it wasn’t [i]pills[/i] that were his thing. Maybe you could talk to him for me so things don't have to escalate.” He said to the younger boy, fairly certain addressing the younger Boaz would really get the older brother pissed. Logan knew referencing Decky’s drug use was hitting below the belt but he tended to run his mouth and take as many dirty shots as he could when he was pissed. He was also bored and getting into a fight with another kid seemed like a good way to alleviate his boredom and he was kind of curious to see if he could get Decky pissed enough to instigate a fight. [hr][hr] [color=midnightblue][h3][b]Nick Donovan[/b][/h3][/color] Nick gave a small shrug as both his co-stars ducked out of his half hug. He didn’t have to be bothered or wonder if there was still tension between him and his fellow stars because Vincent and Brinlee both showed up as well. “Vinny and Brin how the hell are you guys?” He asked, he’d heard Vincent was a doctor or something and it had taken him a second to recognize Brin who looked a lot different from the last time he saw her. “And looking hot Brin.” He added throwing his hand up in expectance of a high five. His attention turned back to the fans, posing for photos and answering questions. Questions about the current show were answered with the most ridiculous response he could think of followed by a laugh. “Are you and Kait together in the new show?” One fan asked. “Nah, they’re having me hook up with Mr. Beau, crazy right?” He answered with a laugh. “Hey, Nick, did they get you the right bottled water?” Another asked. Some of the crowd was awkwardly quiet at the mention of Nick’s viral video melt down over bottled water. “Fuck yeah they did, you think our Edenridge crew would make a rookie mistake like that. If they had you better believe you would’ve heard me shouting from here, we all know how loud I can be.” Nick responded with grin, answering even there more invasive personal questions with a grin and a joke. Vincent mentioned a dinner party and Nick took a second to look at his phone. An invite to a cast dinner from Izabella at the hotel’s restaurant. He glanced at Aisik who mentioned he hoped it was nothing like the cast parties. “What? Ais, those cast parties were amazing, nothing like cutting lose after a full day shooting.” He said fondly remembering the wilder times on set.