Vert was confused, she had been riding along on Steve for the trip and hadn't even expected to be going with this group. But an enemy of Vlastand would be an ally to her kingdom as the kingdom of monsters had long believed that Vlastand would attack them the moment it found their kingdom. "I can't believe I'm sticking my nose in this.." Vert said to herself as she got off of Steve who was happily eating an apple given to him by the Merchant. "Steve appreciates that." Vert said with a smile while petting Steve. Her sense of naming really was showing as Steve was not the best name for a horse. "You don't seem like the kind to want anything to do with this adventure. Course neither do I, I'm not even human like the rest of you." Vert said to the merchant inquiring about why they should even bother with this adventure. "What would any of you do I wonder if I said I was here to look for weaknesses of Valstand I wonder... But aside from that question I must ask: you got any beer I could buy off you?" Vert asked giving her wide grin that went from ear to ear. It was creepy smile, but something that she couldn't help. Vert wasn't just grinning at the merchant but also the old man who seemed to have a similar interest as her in the way of drinking when doing something new like this.