Hestia grinned at the crowd of people gathering in the Temple. The large marble floored room was nearly filled to bursting with Fledglings and students alike. Shortly before the start of the ceremony Hestia noticed a young couple walk in and recognized them as the school flirt Vianna Night and the generalized white knite of the school Jackson McQueen Both were well known but never interacted and yet here she was hanging on his arm turning all the heads away from her. [i] So the little tramp thinks she can steal my spotlight by hooking up with someone unexpected hmm? [/i] she thought slipping out of the trench coat she wore to reveal the skintight Black satin dress she wore that looked more like fancy lingere than a dress before walking right up to the pair of them. "Oh Vianna how lovely for you to find yourself such an attractive mate." she said warmly though here eyes must have betrayed her because Jackson hesitated a moment before speaking. [color=red] "Well Hestia we actually aren't together I was just escorting her to the ceremony and I'm sure she'll be finding her friends here shortly. [/color] he said with a smile to his mentor. [color=red] "Oh how rude of me. Via This is my mentor who I now realize you already know." [/color] he added blushing ever so slightly. "Oh Jackson dear you don't need to be embarrassed about being polite I appreciate you introducing me. In fact my singer for the Ceremony dropped out and the song he had planned while not fitting to the ceremony I think you might enjoy performing. Are you interested?" she offered. [color=red] "Sure what song is it?" [/color] "A song called Hallelujah by a vampyre rock band called Panic! At the Disco" she said making Jackson grin. [color=red] "Absolutely I love that song. Though I don't know how well I'll do." [/color] he said nervous looking to Via. "Oh dear I'm sure you'll do wonderfully. I did hear you in the stables that one night remember." Jackson scratched the back of his head nervously remembering the night he had gone through a good three songs before he noticed Hestia watching. [color=red] "I guess You're right." [/color] He said before turning to Via after Hestia walked away with a smug grin on her face. [color=red] "Wanna meet up after the ceremony? Maybe catch a movie in one of the Dorms?" [/color] Jackson asked nervously. He guessed at this point he was asking her out and the idea scared him a bit.