Azurael reddened to a shade closely approxiamting that of a tomato. "No-o-oo. What made you think that." Grim had in fact hit his mark true. Azurael did like the General, not that she would in a million years willingly admit it. Maybe if she was coerced, but even then she would be hard pressed to admit so. At least that is what she thought. Azurael began racing towards the source of the scream glad for the diversion, she hope nobdy had seen her face. This was embrassing - by the Twelve! She was a soldier not some simpering Court Angel. Still silently berating herself she arrived at the source. A shirtless demon lay face down on the ground, his massive ragged wings slightly spread, his long black hair trailing messily down to the small of his back. A raven sat perched on his back cawing and pecking at any-one who dared to come close. "What happened? I heard some-one scream." Azurael asked a nearby Angel. "That was me. He just appeared out of nowhere. I got a fright. He muttered something about death being near and then collapsed. The bird won't allow us near." Azurael thought this over and got all bystanders to leave the area. She saw T'vor nearby. "Do you know where Ari is? She might help here." Azurael asked. Her face was more under control this time. She figured the whole death thing was a literal Death having been nearby, Death as in the Grim Reaper. She wondered if Grim had anything do with it and voiced her thoughts in simple expression - "Blasted Angel!" --------- Damien in the mean time was almost frantically tripping over his own feet to spread the news throughout camp. He smashed into one person quite hard in his haste. "Sorry!" He yelled. "Je'nai? Isn't it?" He asked before going to find Ma'ai in his tent. Upon reaching said tent, Damien shouted his name.