[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qcZ1RfK.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=456097]Artoria, Master of the Maniacal Menagerie[/color][/h3][/center] But then, before Hildr would have a chance to notice Artoria's 'lack of enthusiasm', something would change. She would become VERY enthusiastic, her great big paws slamming down onto Ira's not insignificant chest, digging in. No blood would seep out, and to any external view, it would seem to simply be great big fluffy paws. But Ira would feel the strange sensation of painless claws biting into her flesh, while Artoria's lips sealed ever deeper around Ira's to keep her silenced. For, Artoria had remembered her purpose here, the true reason why she lived. To turn everything into cute monster girls. Building up her Manifest Destiny, Hildr would have no idea what was going on as this manifestation of Artoria's demented will gained more and more power, until Ira's defenses would finally fail, and she would suddenly shift into a raven-girl. Hildr's tounge would find itself suddenly deprived of anything to toy with, while Artoria launched a potent double-barreled kick at Hildr's unarmored face with a physical force on a level entirely new to Artoria while all too familiar to Hildr. While Artoria would definitely take it if it somehow defeated Hildr, her main goal was pushing off Hildr to shove Ira and herself through a portal created with Ira and Mephila's combined powers to hopefully defeat any anti-portal magic, grabbing Victoire as she went if she could. Of course, they were all chained to various things, by chains intended to hold Ira, no less. But those things the chains were attached to weren't very important. Victoire and Ira's arms, and Artoria's head were unnecessary, unimportant things, so before Hildr could yank them all back by their chains, Artoria would close the portals, severing those needless things from the bodies they were attached to. Artoria had aimed the portals directly into Lucille's throne room, figuring that, being headless, she would be somewhat indisposed to prevent Hildr from taking them all back unless she chose a secure location. This unfortunately meant that Lucille would get sprayed with a small amount of vampire blood, and a LOT of chimera blood, what with Artoria currently being headless. Of course, eventually the bleeding from Artoria would stop. Not in the typical manner, as a new head grew from Artoria's neck. She stretched it for a few moments, similar to when she has recovered from having her neck snapped, though also flexing her jaw, biting experimentally a few times. [color=456097]"Queen Lucille, I found the prisoners. Did I do good? Did I do good?"[/color] She asked, setting her front paws on the steps to the throne, looking up at Lucille expectantly. [color=456097]"May I add the loud dying one to my collection?"[/color] She said turning her head to show who she meant even clearer, that being Henry. Displaying weakness in Artoria's presence that loudly was just ASKING to be transformed. Of course, Henry likely had no idea who or more importantly WHAT Artoria was. [@TheWindel][@KoL][@floodtalon][@Lonewolf685]