JAckson made it back to his friends who all gave him hell for kissing Via but he didn't care he had just let the music and his instincts guide him and it seemed to work out for him. [color=red] "What can I say I guess I've got an inner ladies man." [/color] He said smiling. The ceremony went on and kept everyones spirits high JAckson's friend Kieth even nudged him and told him how hot he thought Hestia was. Hestia however had become furious. The buzz was no longer on her and her admittedly skimpy outfit or the ceremony. Jackson and Via had stole the show and she was not happy about it but continued her Ceremony all the same. Calling the elements she felt their usual rush of power but there was something else. Something...different and as she looked to the crowd she stopped in her tracks. In both the Southern and Eastern corners two people were surrounded but power manifesting in something Hestia had only heard about. Jackson pulled at his shirt he was getting warmer by the second and when he looked up he noticed Hestia staring at him and one other person and had stopped the ceremony. He looked down and saw a red ring surrounding him and heat radiating from it but there was more he could feel it arcing over the group toward Via who seemed to be going through something of her own. And Hestia was staring her down as well her usually calm and warm eyes clearly showing her fury.