Sorry in advance if this isn't good, I'm fairly new to roleplay. [indent][b]| NAME |[/b] [indent] Leroy Omerson [/indent] [b]| DEPARTMENT |[/b] [indent] Pharmaceuticals, currently loner[/indent] [b]| AGE |[/b] [indent] 31 [/indent] [b]| TRAITS |[/b] - [indent][list][*] [b] Absent Minded [/b] - because his mind is completely filled with thoughts of his quest, he frequently forgets to eat, sleep and drink unless reminded or becoming almost too weak to continue. Instead of doing these things he relentlessly pushes onward, causing his body to become hardened and have great stamina. [*] [b] Single minded [/b] - after the nightmares and dreams entered his life, he quickly lost all other goals and values except for making the potion. He finds anything that doesn't continue his quest to be a waste of time and energy. [*] [b] Antisocial [/b] - due to spending most of his life alone as a scavenger, he has become extremely antisocial and vicious, and has no qualms about violence or death. He is also very mistrusting and sees people as rarely more than an ends to a mean. [*] [b] Medically Trained [/b] - despite it being a decade since he left the confines of the infirmary, Leroy has still managed to keep the knowledge of medicine and herbs in his shattered mind. He can use common chemicals and materials to craft basic bandages and medicines. Also because of his need to craft his potion, he has become proficient at brewing liquid and drafts. [/list][/indent] [b]| EQUIPMENT |[/b] - [indent][list][*] [b] Poisoned Hunting Knife and Shivs [/b] - a gift from his parents, he keeps the long hunting blade constantly wet with a homemade venom. He also has a couple of rough shivs that he uses if he needs range. [*] [b] "Holy Journal" [/b] - small leather bound journal where he keeps all of his notes about herbs, medicine and potion. Also has his recipe for making the bombs. [*] [b] Potion of Infite Power [/b] - this potion is the culmination of years of work. Leroy believes that upon finishing this potion, he will become the most powerful person in the entire store. He will become a god. As of now, the potion is just a finely polished glass bottle, filled with a dark green liquid of unknown origin. The bottle is corked and is strung around his neck. It is very far from completion. [*] [b] heavy leather coat [/b] - a durable, heavy leather coat that covers most of his upper body. It is good protection against melee attacks but won't come close to stoppingq bullet or a sharp blade. [*] [b] Crow Mask [/b] - as one of the last efforts to ward off the nightmares, Leroy fashioned a wooden/ metal crow mask, which he keeps constantly stuffed with herbs and spices in the beak. Unfortunately like all his other attempts, this to failed. [/list][/indent] [b]| BIOGRAPHY |[/b] [indent] Leroy cant remember a time where the dreams and voices haven't plagued him day and night. He can't remember his childhood in the pharmacy, raised by loving parents and mastering chemical science. All he remembers is the voice that appeared in head one night. "You are made for more than this" it whispered to him. " you are made to make the potion. The potion will give you infinite power, strong enough to take on anyone." It continued whispering to him throughout the night, and to his horror it continued the next day. His friends noticed him becoming less friendly, spending days upon days in his laboratory without food or water. He was seen stumbling through the grounds of the pharmacy, muttering to himself with dark rings under his eyes. The next night something finally cracked within Leroy. He crawled around the house, stealing whatever could fit into his backpack, before escaping from the pharmacy and never looking back. Now Leroy relentlessly wanders across the land, ever in search of the ingredients to make his potion and become a god. [/indent][/indent]