[color=f7941d][h1] Vivian Benini [/h1][/color] The Imp digimon caught the sandwich, even if he fumbled a bit, thanking him. Vivian nodded and at pulled the bottle of juice he did offer. He was quite more polite than Vivian would await with someone called a imp. But that only proved nothing can be judged by just their name. Even if the digimon appeared to have names that fitted their appearance and changed them with evolution. [color=f7941d]"What is a Gal game?"[/color] Vivian asked, not being able to pull a parallel to the things he played. But curious to hear something new. It was a bit sad the other two boys opted to leave instead of staying. It was then the japanese girl decided to give a name and a bit more on herself. Yumeko Vivian nodded, at that the little Tinkermon jumped to introduce herself as well, as the cutest digimon after one other. Surprisingly enough Candlemon raised one wax finger. [color=92278f] "And Cutemon."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Cutemon?" [/color]Vivian questioned, and his partner nodded in confirmation that yes there is a digimon called like that. [color=f7941d]"Well I suppose if the digimon name is having the word cute in it, they had to be quite a bit cuter than any other." [/color] Rachel introduced herself next, still being quite the odd ball in her behaviour. She was starting to remind Vivian of a cat. One that demanded to be feed and and declared the oddest places as their nap place. [color=f7941d]"Nice meeting you both. Like I already said after we fall from the sky, my name is Vivian, a newly appointed digimon tamer and a good cook. Planning to earn some money, have some fun. Maybe steal some hearts of fellow collages. Who knows. I am mostly excited now to see more of this strange world."[/color] Vivian finished and looked over at candlemon, who looked back at him briefly before looking at the other digimon and humans. [color=92278f]"Candlemon."[/color] The candle digimon introduced himself and Vivian chuckled, he really liked his partner.