[img=http://i46.tinypic.com/xclv9d.png] [B][U]Name[/U][/B]: Aikawa Mion [I][U]Nickname/Alias[/U][/I]: Bittersweet [I][U]Gender[/U][/I]: Female [B][U]Age and date of birth[/U][/B]: 5/14/462,14 years old. [I][U]Age Appearance[/U][/I]: Younger than she looks [I][U]Sexuality: [/U]Shows no interest into anyone.[/I] [I][U]Parents: [/U]Aikawa Ryuuji-Deceased Fujimoto Byakuya- Foster Father Fujimoto Reina- Foster Mother Uzumaki Mio- Missing[/I] [I][U]Length and build: [/U]5'2 ft, slim-short[/I] [I][U]Weight: [/U]112 lbs[/I] [I][U]Favorite weather and season: [/U]Winter and Rainy[/I] [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] [B][U]Village[/U][/B]:Kirigakure [I][U]Birthplace[/U][/I]: Kumogakure [I][U]Organization[/U][/I]: Kirigakure [B][U]Clan/Bloodline[/U][/B]: Uzumaki(Mother's side) [B][U]Rank[/U][/B]: Genin [B][U]Chakra Nature[/U][/B]: Lightning [img=http://i46.tinypic.com/vmspdd.png] [B][U]Appearance[/U][/B]: [IMG]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1/10003928_621063497947987_151222493_n.jpg[/IMG] [img=http://i45.tinypic.com/23msj6g.png] [B][U]Personality[/U][/B]: Aloof for short periods of time at first, Mion is a cheeky,boyish, cheerful and a mischievous person, she is naturally neutral and pledge allegiance to no one unless discerned which party is right or wrong. Mion speaks whatever comes in her mind which can be very insulting and mean but albeit reasonable when it calls for because she does it in an encouraging manner though sometimes for fun, she can be very antagonizing and berserk button pressing when she really does mean what she says. She's very enthusiastic when it comes to anything she considers fun. Despite all this, she still remains disciplined. Beneath that innocent mask is Mion's true colors and very distinguishing from her cheerful side, Mion is ruthless, violent and aptitude in killing shows this color which is mainly because of how she's raised in the past, she shows no hesitation of killing and when serious, Mion has tendencies of bloodlust depending on her opponent. Other than that, Mion has a liking to food, her food fetish comes in many editions, mainly buffet, she hates it when someone interupts her while having a meal or a snack, her favorite are sweetened foods and anything sweet. She also loves people who can perform a very memorable entertainment very well which not only comes in normal aspects but also Ninja aspects, she does not hesitate to fight those who are stronger than her but if they are, she'll mostly withdraw. When it comes to combat, Mion is firmly her cheerful self and it is best not to get her angry, once she does she'll speak an insane language and sadistically do the unspeakable. The most conflicting phenomena for Mion is making decisions, she's like a cloud who just floats anywhere and truly does know what she desires which totally explains to her neutral alignment and lonewolf status at times. She enters emotional periods, tantrums and rage whenever conflicted and goes on a solo status which can be a month but nevertheless she still cares about those who are important to her. Mion once dreamt of being an expert medical ninja and countless short dreams but short lived since she was 7 and trained by her Father to be ruthless. [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] [U][B]History[/B][/U]: Mion is born from Uzumaki Mio and Aikawa Ryuuji, technically somewhat being named after he mother, Mio however she knows less of her parents and lived with her Mother for 6 years since she was born and never again does she see her. Due to unknown reasons Mion is adopted by the Fujimoto family which thought her how to be ruthless at the age of 8, learning aggressive type of combat and gaining her chakra nature as well. It was extremely cruel and a harsh childhood that Mion went through although attending the ninja academy to seal her path as a Genin, she rarely hangs out with her comrades because majority of her time are focused on training. Despite being raised in a harsh environment, Mion does not despise her foster parents rather she was thankful for them and still able to have a stable family, all that takes was a simple mutual understanding but at the back of her mind are questions she yearns. [I][U]Theme Song[/U][/I]: [img=http://i50.tinypic.com/2h5tkk2.png] [B][U]Weapons/Items[/U][/B]: [hider=Weapons or Items] Basic Ninja Tools Wires, Mion has a lot of it. Windmill Shurikens, her main weapon. [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] [/hider] [img=http://i50.tinypic.com/15qxeus.png] [B][U]Skills/Abilities[/U][/B] Taijutsu- Thought by Fujimoto Byakuya, Mion is thought an assassin type of combat which involves stealth and flexible movements. This combat is very effective in combination with smoke bombs. Mion focuses on molding her chakra in to her hands making it a pierceful weapon which compares in contrast to the Hyuuga's gentlefist but done in an aggressive fashion. Though not as assassin as it looks like, Mion's taijutsu is decent and her specialty but not as good as stronger people than her. Ruthlessness- Applied especially in combat, Mion is hard to hold back when you tell her not to kill, this also shows her defiant side on not obeying any orders. She only holds back if persuaded or you restrict her. Cooking, Tablesetting and Chores, Mion is dedicated into cooking and doing household chores. She cooks with her heart and according to her it is better to cook for everyone than yourself. She is also very keen in tidiness, she learn how to do all this in her time with the Fujimotos, this also helped her to be disciplined. [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] [B][U]Special Traits[/U][/B] Flexibility- Mion may not be as fast as other ninja but her flexibility coordinated with her reaction time is something worth praising, she is able to perform splits and slip through tight stuff and the biggest advantage combined is her short height. Poison resistance- Old man Byakuya's number one essential in training Mion in the art of assasin combat, according to his "Golden Rule number 3: An Assassin must be able to face lethal circumstances." Mion is not immune to poison, she's able to endure longer. [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] [B][U]Kekkei Genkai[/U][/B]: N/A [B]Name of Kekkei Genkai: N/A[/B] [B]Clan: N/A[/B] [B]Description: N/A[/B] [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] [B][U]Jutsu[/U][/B]: [hider=Cannon Jutsu] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Clone_Technique]Shadow Clone[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Replacement_Technique]Body Replacement[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Body_Flicker_Technique]Body Flicker[/url] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Transformation_Technique]Henge No Jutsu[/url] [/Hider] [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] [B][I][U]Custom Jutsu[/U][/I][/B]: N/A Name of Technique: Mion Punch! Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu Rank: C Range: Short Nature Type: Lightning Handseals: N/A Description: Mion's infused lightning punch! It takes 5 seconds to muster up the lightning chakra into her fist(s)/mostly Mion randomly infuse lightning randomly/ and this is her only ninjutsu on lightning nature. The impact of the punch is equivalent to having 4 people punch you other than that, it's nothing special. Weakness: Plenty of openings to counter Mion herself, faster opponents especially and in a taijutsu fight Mion punch can be rendered useless in Mion's case because her opponents will know what she is doing. Though the jutsu may not take that much chakra, Mion stated to herself that her hands feel numb afterwards depending on how much effort she exerts. ==================== [/hider] [img=http://i.imgur.com/DN3p4.png] [B][U]Others:[/U][/B] Her Father is from Kumogakure, she grew up in Kirigakure and be a kunoichi from then on.