[center][h1][Color=F48CA7]Josephine Clark[/color][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/76/5c/2a/765c2abcef8b4da1a298b022a7c39db8.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=F48CA7]Location:[/color] Grand Continental Hotel[/center][hr] She just wanted to get out of there. Any time soon would be preferred. As she waited, Aziza freaked out, claiming she didn't want her husband to hear word of anything going on. After talking to the woman, she couldn't blame her. However, she knew Haakon well enough to know that he wouldn't break his word or do something dumb like writing about these events when it would mean people like Aziza would get hurt. Before she could speak her own mind, Aziza stormed off with Mr. Walsh chasing after her. She had to smile at that. She waved it off before turning her attention to Peter and the rest, [color=F48CA7]"Really now, I am sure Haakon here wouldn't do anything against the Crown and whatnot, darling. You need only ask. And I resent the implication and, quite frankly, the attitude against him. You hardly know the man, after all, seeing as you only just met. Why not take the time after we square things away to talk and get to know one another. We'll be spending much time together, after all. Perhaps over a drink and a smoke, I really am dying for one now. Just need to pick some stuff up in my room and we can be off. Gentlemen?"[/color] She motioned for them to figure it out and get moving. She would be leaving one way or another.