[quote=@olcharlieboi] [@Kalas] Wow, lol, you crazy person! lol, I usually just see something I like and grab it. My profile image is was simply in a package that blizzard released back when Wings of Liberty was coming out. [/quote] I know! I just get obsessed with finding the right image! Haha! I often create my characters for roleplays based off of images I find. Also: [@NightmareInd][@olcharlieboi] [u]Transformation Quirk Idea:[/u] [b]Elemental Skin[/b] - [i]The user may transform their skin to mimic the properties of the five elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Lightning. Doing so grants the user a some abilities per element but also some drawbacks. The user is also able to be manipulated by users of other elemental quirks whilst in their elemental forms. [u]Earth[/u] - The user becomes highly durable and extremely heavy. Able to withstand moderate force i.e. Bakugo's Explosion Punches, yet they move extremely slowly. Is highly susceptible to Water and Lightning. [u]Air[/u] - The user becomes as light as a feather and can glide along air currents. Cannot withstand even low forces i.e. Midoriya's Normal Punches. Is highly susceptible to Fire and Water. [u]Fire[/u] - The user becomes able to withstand moderate heat i.e. Todoroki's Normal Flame Attacks and can walk through fire, as well as setting other things on fire by touch. Is highly susceptible to Water and and Air can only withstand normal force. [u]Water[/u] - The user becomes able to breath and move extremely fast underwater. Cannot withstand even low forces and is highly susceptible to Fire or Lightning. [u]Lightning[/u] - The user becomes able to move extremely fast on land and shock other things by touch. Highly susceptible to Water and Earth and can only withstand normal force.[/i] EDIT: Do we have a Discord server yet?