[color=FFFAFA][b]2 Days Before the Queen’s Death[/b][/color] Sir Logan MacNair had been Princess Tahra’s personal guard since she was sixteen years old. He had shown great promise as a squire and shortly after being officially knighted at seventeen years old he had become solely responsible for putting down the rebellion in the southern part of the country. Recognized for his skill in battle and his keen mind the Queen personally asked him to look after her daughter. Tahra and Logan became fast friends but Logan was always aware of his place in society and in the Princess’s life. It was mid-morning when Logan knocked on Tahra’s bed chamber door. The door had been hand carved from the woods of the Selden forest, home of the Seldenese Elves – the very same elves that the Queen had come from. The door looked like interlocking tree branches with minute carvings of woodland animals speckling its surface. [color=CCFC00]“I thought you were never going to come, you’re late, Logan,”[/color] Tahra crossed her armored arms over her chest and playfully pouted. Logan bowed deeply, resting his hand lightly on the hilt of his sword. [color=008080]“My apologies, Princess.”[/color] His coffee colored eyes shined with mirth as he straightened himself back to his full height, just a head taller than the Princess. Tahra and Logan headed to the training yard. [color=CCFC00]“Logan, how many times do I have to ask you to call me Tahra? You have been my body guard for going on five years now, I believe that allows for a certain amount of familiarity.”[/color] Logan flashed her a sheepish smile, he was a mild mannered man for the most part. [color=008080]“At least once more, as always, my Princess.”[/color] Logan started every day the same with the Princess, he took her to train with the Knights of the kingdom, and she was quite skilled at combat, especially since she was the Princess and not expected to learn how to hold her own in combat. She was even more skilled than most of the knights in the King’s service. If she were not royalty she would have been slated for knighthood from her skills just as he had been. Tahra was in the pit, sparring with a few knights while Logan observed, correcting her form and giving her pointers. He heard something cracking and looked around, that’s when he saw that the wooden beam directly over Tahra’s head was cracking and was moments away from crushing the Princess. Logan shouted, [color=008080]“Move!”[/color] It had the opposite effect of what he’d wanted, Tahra and the knights she was sparring with stopped to figure out where the danger was coming from. Logan at a full on sprint collided with Tahra, the beam narrowly missing them. [color=CCFC00] “And here I thought you didn’t want to be close to me, Logan.”[/color] Logan scrambled to his feet, pulling Tahra up behind him. His eyes searching her body for any sign of an injury. [color=008080]“Are you alright, Princess? I don’t know how that happened.”[/color] [hr] [color=FFFAFA][b]The Day of the Queen’s Murder/The Day Before the Princess’ Birthday[/b][/color] Logan was forbidden from accompanying Tahra to see the King and Queen, it made Logan uneasy, he had never liked the King. News spread quickly of the Queen’s death and that the Princess was responsible for the murder. As soon as he could, Logan made his way to the dungeons – to free his princess. He knew there was no way she had done this. He was making his way down the stairs when he heard glass shattering. He began to run down the stairs but had to slow down as a thick fog rolled over him. He waited for the magic to pass before running into the dungeon, the cell where he had been told he would find the Princess was empty, the window at the end of the hall broken. Glass crunching beneath his steel boots, he peered out and saw the Princess along with a large group of people gathered on the river bank. He saw them get into a covered wagon and head east. Already knowing what he was going to do, Logan headed to the King. [color=FF0000]“What do you mean she escaped?”[/color] Spit was flying from the King’s snarling mouth, landing on Logan’s face as he knelt before the King in fealty. [color=008080]“She headed north, out of the city, she was on foot and by the looks of it, injured, she was limping.[/color] [color=FF0000]“That was quite the fall.[/color] The King ran his fingers through his hair, trying to think of what he wanted to do next. [color=FF0000]“MacNair, she trusts you. Find her and bring her to me. I want her alive, she will answer for her crimes![/color] [hr] Logan tracked the wagon to the abandoned noble estate, cautiously looking for a way in. Despite wearing heavy armor his footfalls were near silent. He waited for the man with silver hair to leave Tahra alone before entering the room. She was crying, dressed in leather armor he did not recognize. He snuck up behind her and placed his hand over her mouth. [color=008080]“It’s me! It’s me! Princess, I’m so glad I found you! Are you alright?”[/color] [color=CCFC00] “Logan! I thought I would never see you again. How did you find us?”[/color] Tahra launched herself into Logan’s arms who awkwardly held her. He explained everything before just letting her cry in his arms. [color=008080]“Sleep Princess, I’ll keep watch. In the morning we can decide what to do from here.”[/color] Tahra was almost asleep when she heard him softly say, [color=008080]“Happy Birthday, Princess.”[/color]