Vert took the beers she was given with a smile. "You don't gotta slide it, I don't bite... well I don't bite people. I do however bite food same as you." Vert said holding her head steady as the other hand put the beer to her mouth and rank it. "Man that's good!" Vert said with a large smile. "You guys need to learn that not all monsters want to kill you. Only the ones that are currently attacking you do. Those that don't attack you first, often want nothing to do with you." Vert said hoping to ease the rest of them. That was around the time that the mage from before came towards them. "Yeah, in the future, don't do a kill shot right away, could of killed me." Vert said she knew how powerful that bolt was and it could have killed her if she hadn't dropped her head. Vert picked up the second beer and drank it just as quickly as the last one. "You really do have the best keg!" Vert said her limbs now starting to loosen. "You know, when I first met you guys, I was just gonna scare ya and steal all your food! But now I'm glad I didn't. The Kingdom of Monsters however isn't always as nice as me. Their nicer than Valstand, but a bit cautious around humans." Vert said with a drunken smile on her face now.