Meanwhile, Jaques took the mug and stared at it. Is this a good idea? Yes. It is a good idea. Yes. He was already technically a criminal in this kingdom for banding up with the outlawed princess. Drinking at his age was nothing compared to that, right? It's time to have fun! He took a wimpy sip. Hm. Interesting. Well, he'd better drink it all before he wimped out completely. The boy now began to down the mug. When done, he stood still for a second. He hiccuped. This was some kinda of act of passage to him. he could do anything now! He could....Go for another beer. And so he began to sneak one after another. Its like when a child curses for the first time and keeps doing it thinking their cool but really it's just concerning. That was Jaques. The drunk toddler in the room.