"Wow." Derrick breathed. Spiderwebs. Very large spiderwebs. Derrick was no stranger to spiders or bugs, though he was somewhat more comfortable with spiders. Spiders didn't like being bothered, and tended to keep out of the way. A lot of people considered them pests and would rather have them killed, but Derrick didn't see it that way. They kept the bugs away and they stayed out of trouble. It was like him and spiders had a deal - Derrick didn't bother them, they didn't bother him. Still, there were exceptions to that rule. Derrick inspected one of the spiderwebs. It seemed relatively fresh, no trace of dust. Cobwebs formed from abandoned spiderwebs, fresh spiderwebs meant that the web had either been made recently or renewed recently. Either way, that meant the spider that made it was nearby. That on its own was no worry, but there were 2 things that did worry Derrick: the sheer size of the webs and the quantity of the webs. Spiders tended to leave humans alone, but the larger they were, the less they stuck to that rule. The quantity of webs worried him because it could mean a whole colony of spiders, which doesn't tend to happen with the spiders Derrick was used to. He couldn't even guess what kind of prey they'd been catching but considering this place was a library, it wouldn't be much of a leap to assume that it was humans. And that was what worried him most of all. "This might cause issues." Derrick said quietly. [@Dusksong][@Hekazu]