[b]Lieutenant Kat[/b] "Quiet's not really my speed, Casablancas," The Lieutenant commented with a tone that lent itself easily to the grin she wore, radiating the barely subdued glee in her voice. Still, it [i]was[/i] subdued; as much fun as she had with her subordinate, now wasn't really the time. Her naturally husky voice dropped half an octave, giving her acknowledgement a low note of reverberation deep in her chest. "But since you asked so nice, I'll see what I can do." The Spanish Ensign's G-Fighter was designed to dock with a mobile suit, the Gundam originally. It worked with GMs too, though not done as often, but it wasn't something they'd ever had time to practice. And she wasn't sure if her Spartan'd fit right. Docking with the Triple C'd be a plus but not when they weren't sure if it'd work. That was time wasted, and vulnerabilities created if some more friends showed up. But this wasn't Earth, which meant aerodynamics didn't mean shit. The Spartan maneuvered over to the Triple C on vernier power and found handholds on its frame. In atmosphere the Spartan 'laying' atop it wouldn't have worked in a million years, even if it stayed aloft the slightest maneuver would send Kat tumbling down. Can't really tumble down in space. There isn't a down. She took care to keep her hands and feet inside the ride and out of the way of Cairo's cannons. She didn't plan to hold on if a firefight got started, but she wanted her Ensign to have a chance at the first strike. Kat triggered her IR sensors again and amped up the Minovsky scattering pods, making sure she'd get a good look and the ship wouldn't be able to target something so small. "We're good, Flamenco. I'll probably see 'em on IR before we get a visual, if they're not total dumbasses. I'll point you the right way."