There was the shifting of feet against gravel, a sudden shifting of the stranger's mental presence- a teleporter, then. Dawn's lips pulled themselves into a thin line. Teleporters were never a good sign, whether alone or otherwise. Too many tricks up their sleeve. As the stranger- a woman, she could see that now- turned to face her, Dawn adopted a sort of "deer in the headlights" look. In a passing glance, one might think the girl had frozen in fear. A sitting duck, made easier by her small stature and lack of open weaponry. Her eyes were glazed, soaped windows, mind fleeing to some distant place. Which just so happened to be in Vivian's own thoughts. An odd, fluttering sensation would suddenly begin to pulse within the mercenary's skull, as if a moth had somehow been trapped there. The fluttering only grew with each moment, although it would most likely be overshadowed by a sudden numbness in her limbs. Dawn was attempting to steal control of her body. Fists clenched, the girl urged Vivian's body to turn, run, and smack face-first into the brick beside them. Twice, if possible. The hijacking attempt did not last for long, however- only for Dawn herself to spin on her heel and begin sprinting away to the nearest cluster of buildings, weaving from side to side, around the corner of some shambled down apartment. There were others in the city. With any luck, they would serve as a suitable distraction for the woman. And if not, the ruins were as good a defense as any.