"Well, I don't see why we would cut it." Derrick said quietly, thinking deeply. There wasn't much of a point. Sure, it was blocking up some of the books but it's not like they wanted to read right now. Besides, the books were probably beyond reading at this point. Maybe things would change later on down the line. His general policy with spiders was live and let live; it'd go away or die eventually. Although the size of the spiders might change something or other, and the webs would most likely block their passage the farther they went on. But hey, why were there giant spiders in a library? Derrick snapped out of his thought trance and stammered out a quick explanation of his opinion. "I mean, If it's in our way, sure, but I figure we should leave it alone otherwise." Derrick said. "Unless... I don't know, do you think there's something worth reading around here?" [@Dusksong][@Hekazu]