Good god, you have been busy! Dealing with a house, much less repairs and the city, is a huge undertaking. I hope it's worth the trouble but as someone who had work done on her house (well parents) and the doors still not being "done" after 11 months...urgh. Construction is crazy, make sure you do your research on who to hire. Our main contractors were great but our window installers are terrible and have cost us so much time/money. And yeah finals...gosh those feel like an eternity ago. ^^; But yeah I can see how the timing is just like one massive hurricane. But congrats on taxes? Thanks, that BA was a biiiitch to finally get but now that I have it, I have ZERO interest to go get a Masters or anything but maybe I'll change my mind in a few years. But for now, I'm done with school. It's awful. Plus I relied heavily on Pell Grants and to know those might go away makes me less inclined to go back to school. And thanks for the warning. I've done a lot of reading into what it'll be like. I know this company is not well regarded (well most aren't to begin with) so my expectations are low. I think I can tough it out for a year and find a better job placement. Or I end up loving the branch school and staying another year, it all depends. I'm already homesick. I've only been away from home when I left for school or went on month long summer camps. It's a whole other story to go to another country, despite my studying it's gonna be a big change either way. ^^; I am ready for a new chapter in my life though and to get out of the USA for a bit sounds like heaven lol I should be fairly free this afternoon and tomorrow but now that I know I'm going somewhere in 2 months, it's pretty much time to get back on my diet and shop and study. :/ I am thinking a large sum of like 30-45k would be reasonable in terms of all of the royals pulling their money together. Then again that number may be a bit high since each FE path was either short with money or flush with it...