Even when it was Terry, Batman was just ... meh. I never really got hooked and I think that's the problem. With most of the characters I like (including my own) there's been a moment where I just went "Wow! I like this dude/chick!". It may also just have been the fact that I was considerably older when I was introduced to DC since my dad was an avid Marvel supporter. Magneto ... I've never really considered him a "villian" in that sense. He's more of an antihero to me. He's a constant in the comics and despite doing some (REALLY) bad things, he's more often actually helping out the heroes than fighting against them. I never really cared for Cylops/Scott. He was always a dick, as you say, but he wasn't the good kind of dick (:newlol). I never found him likable. I think I stopped reading the comics before the version you're talking about.