Despite her misgivings about her own helmet, it once again proved itself worthy of keeping her protected, darkening automatically in response to the sudden burst of light and heat, the armour as a whole protecting her body. She still covered her eyes as the event came about, though, because you don't disobey an Inquisitor's orders under any circumstance. Though she was one of the first to uncover them, and one of the first to realise that the only significant casualty had been the governor himself - or, so it happened, the man who had claimed to be the governor until moments ago. Not seconds later, he too had activated a device of his own, turning himself to so much dead meat in the process. The Inquisitor's yell of anger just about summed it up, and Alexa was all too happy to oblige to his order. Or she would be, if she didn't notice one of her Sisters- if she recalled her name correctly, that would be Sister Lisbeth- quite decidedly not heeding the order. Instead, she'd gotten round to killing two of the guardsmen in an apparent blind rage, and those may not even be heretics, merely misled by heretics. Not that the crime was particularly lesser, but it didn't warrant murdering them before they could be interrogated. And since a couple of other Battle-Sisters had gotten to keeping the group of guardsmen she'd had an eye on in check, Alexa decided kindness ought to dominate here. 'Sister Dominica!' she called, jogging over to her sister-in-arms, but not quickly enough to prevent her snapping a corporal's leg in twain. Again, she yelled, voice still twisted by the vox of her helmet: 'SISTER LISBETH! We're [i]arresting[/i] them, not [i]executing[/i] them!' Was it her place to chide? Possibly not, but regardless of her own hatred of cult activity, most cultists were more useful alive than dead, if only marginally. And again, the guardsmen might not even [i]be[/i] cultists. That said, it didn't seem like Lisbeth had heard, telling the guardsmen she'd been harassing to get in the ship, and take their fallen corporal with them. With an exasperated sigh, Sister Alexandra drew her own bolt pistol, aiming it at the group of guardsmen as they moved into the ship, and then at whichever other groups of guardsmen needed to be aimed at as they were escorted to what would seem to be their temporary holding cell for the time being. What happened next, she supposed, was up to Inquisitor Kliment. [@Jbcool][@jbeil][@Andreyich][@Kratesis]