Ceria breathed a barely audible, very unladylike snort. "Yeah, you didn't see me volunteering to talk to him. Just to get his attention," she replied. Her eyes drifted back along the crowd assembled. Oh, and there was their resident songstress right now, looking at....her? [i]Gods above, what does she want NOW?[/i]. The tiefling had constantly pestered Ceria ever since they met about seeing if Ceria could sing. While the elf remembered singing by herself on rare occasions, most numerous back in the elvish homeland, she sure as troglodytes wasn't going to perform for other people. The thought gave her jitters, but not today as her mind was focused on the task at hand. Nay, today, the tiefling's scrutiny seemed different, though Ceria couldn't quite discern why. The intensity of the gaze made her avert her eyes. "Didn't anyone ever teach you that staring's rude?" she muttered quietly. The hypocrisy of that statement smacked her in the face and she momentarily stopped in her tracks and flinched. "Sorry," she breathed even more quietly. Thankfully, she remembered the message arrow in her left hand, looking down at it briefly. Oh, that was why she had garnered the attention of onlookers plus the tiefling. Spots of color appeared high on her cheeks and she let the blunted, useless shaft drop to the ground and stepped on it with force. The resulting crack of shattered wood was very satisfying indeed. Cheapskate fletchers! But the tiefling had apparently decided to speak in that somehow endearing singsong way of hers. All of a sudden, she found herself walking toward the tent at a fast clip that kept up, surprisingly, with the tiefling's skipping. The girl's song was complete gibberish, probably distracting Ceria's brain enough from Arthera's duly noted reservations about entering the general's quarters. When the current lyrics were something about blowfish and pelicans sitting in a tree, confusion was bound to occur. Strangely enough, once she got past the weirdness of it all, as they entered the building Ceria found herself starting to enjoy the general melody. She inadvertently started humming along for a second, but quit as quickly as she started with a conscious rapid snap of her jaw. [i]Uggh, since when is music this bloody powerful?[/i] she grumbled internally, looking about the interior of the building without paying all that much attention. It was hard to notice details considering during her last song, the tiefling seemed to have this weird "look at me" aura that everybody, not just Ceria, was having trouble ignoring. As the tiefling skipped along, the elf couldn't quite stop her eyes from being hypnotized by the vine-like tail.