[quote=@KOgaming] [@Deathblazer] Whoever draws the portraits, you need some Loomis in your life. Duel disks in this game all have solid light blades. Also you might want to reconsider the general design for the lack of pendulum zones and the introduction of extra monster zones. There usually isn't a problem with half siblings closer in age, though having the same /mother/ kinda makes it difficult for them to be very close in age, though I guess a year's difference is good enough. This isn't a criticism, you don't actually have to change your character's backstory. I've also already heard a good deal from Lord Szall. Your friends also should've told you to read the goddamn rules. It's #6 under custom cards. Character not accepted. [/quote] [@Deathblazer] you forgot to write that your Duel Disk was custom made by you. You've made it sound like your one and the old duel disk are somewhat the same. Also, fyi [@KOgaming], the portrait was a collab effort by me and [@Zepavil]. =w=