[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XCqJVqx.png[/img][/center][center][color=maroon][h2]Aaron Fletcher[/h2][/color][/center] It had been a hectic few days to say the least, though as they say, life goes on. Aaron was no exception, he had continued with his like nothing was out of the ordinary, excepting the ability to make use of Deep Ground to kill time. Now, however, he was on his way to the local hospital. The weather was fitting, given everything. A lot of people had been getting injured in one way or another lately, there was a war breaking out that no adult could even comprehend, and a whole host of personal problems everyone had at the time were surfacing. The American had made the decision to not break out an umbrella for his walk, and was experiencing one of these problems for himself. His hair was soaked, peacoat slowly getting damper by the minute, and his scarf had managed to get waterlogged by now. All that really mattered was the simple gift in his coat's inner pocket, really nothing more than a whimsical card to bring a little joy around and some take-out to give a change of pace from hospital food. Upon his arrival and the climbing of several sets of stairs, the boy spotted a certain platinum-haired girl with a notable fascination with maids disappear beyond his destination. She was probably here to sway an opinion, but that gave him a chance to question her afterwards. He approached at his normal pace and knocked on the doorframe, sticking his head in with a hand in his coat. [color=maroon]"May I come in? I brought food."[/color] [center][@KoL][@TheWindel][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/iqNYUzq.png[/img][/center][center][h2][color=cyan]Jiro Katsurou[/color][/h2][/center] [color=cyan]"Yeah, why'd I choose today to head down to the market? Oh yeah, because you wasted yesterday doing jack shit with Shiro and eating what was left of the snacks..."[/color] The blue haired boy mentally kicked himself as his groceries slowly became wetter and wetter. It was almost like the weather had decided to give him one big "Fuck You" today for just doing his thing. Well, this is what he got for waiting till the last moment to go out and pick up snacks and ingredients for meals. Well, at least he wouldn't have to cook for anyone else today. About half an hour of trudging through the rain later, he found himself mistaken. With the jiggling of a set of keys, he pushed open his door and heard the shower running. His eyes narrowed as he closed it behind him with a foot, then moved to the kitchen and set down the plastic bags that housed his damp sustenance for the week. Making no effort to hide the noise, he threw open a cabinet beneath the counter and pulled out a frying pan. Cliche, yes, but it was equally as effective. [color=cyan]"Hmm... feels weird. It's not a tome or a sword, but it'll have to do."[/color] He bounced the weapon in his hand to get a feel for its weight as he advanced on the bathroom. His left hand closed on the doorknob and he shouted over the running water. [color=cyan]"You have ten seconds to get dressed before I beat your head in!"[/color] True to his word, after the seconds passed, the door would fly open and Jiro would barge in, pan brandished. [center][@Lonewolf685][@Jedly][/center][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8Hv5fJm.png[/img][/center][center][color=sienna][h2]Aderyn Finch[/h2][/color][/center] Still on her crutches and screwed for the moment without an umbrella, Aderyn hobbled along through the halls of Purple Crown Academy with her crutches. She was looking for her girlfriend, namely Masae, as she had the thing that would get both of them home for the day. On the way, however, she noticed a boy she hadn't seen in quite awhile. [color=sienna]"Thomas? It's been awhile, you seen Masae anywhere?"[/color] She stopped and waved at the boy, a habit since she was usually dwarfed by most crowds. It was easily the biggest disadvantage of being short. [center][@Lord of Evil][/center]