The yell flooded over Cody, and he looked in the direction of the twins. He could see that they were powerful, and Cody knew he couldn't take them both on, even if he wanted to. He bowed his head, and slowly, carefully, approached them, lowering his defenses as he went. If he approached them full of his light, that could easily be akin to....declaring he was there to fight. He looked up, his clouded eyes watching them, his sight taking in everything about them, aside from their physical appearance. He slowly lowered himself to the ground, and he hurriedly moved through thoughts. Something had angered the twins. Caits and Gerswhin had been nearby. They could be in danger, and he would do anything to ensure their safety. Even if it meant dying for them. And he would try and save the twins, to his dying breath as well. "Please" He didn't know if they could understand him. Which is why he went with body language as well, Non-threatening. And almost begging. "Stop" While his voice was soft, it nevertheless carried, full of his emotions, of the fear he had for his friends, for the unknown people out there getting hurt, for the twins themselves. Worry that none of this was going to end well. And compassion. An ever forgiving being, it took Cody a lot to not forgive someone, and the twins were hurting. He could tell that much. They were lost lonely, and only had each other. They thought the world was against them. And so Cody extended his hand, hoping they take the offer to maybe not be alone anymore. [hr] Caits got herself up, clutching her side, grimacing, taking in the scene about her. Her gaze lingered on Gerswhin, and her fight and she shuddered, before lurching into action. There were still people that needed to be taken to...well, whatever safety there was, and with the stone beings occupied by the monstrous form of Gerswhin, Caits could do that. She could get what people she could out, and she hurriedly set about doing that, urging those she could on, ignoring her own pains, the plane was no option it seemed now, although she did take a moment to stop, and try and contact Viccar. “We’re going to need transport out of here! And I swear, if you don’t get us won’t be the twins you’ll have to worry about” Which, Caits figured, was true, as her gaze fell on Gerswhin again, seeming to become...strong, each time she was injured. She was an unstoppable machine. Caits swallowed. She had no reason to believe that Gerswhin would hurt her, on the contrary, the girl had done everything she could to protect Caits. It didn’t mean that it wasn’t a frightening sight.