[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161219/c5254271337ba4340e233ec36327d02a.png[/img] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/cc56c5568526e8905eddfb087e86c83a/tumblr_o6txjoJC3s1qbtmn8o1_400.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] Following her prompt exit from the gymnasium, Keisha made her way back towards her counseling office; it was all much too overwhelming, the flashbacks from the very day that permanently wrecked her world. While she knew that this day would eventually come, she hadn't ever imagined that it would be this [i]hard.[/i] Ten years had gone by since the shooting, but after her brief time spent at the reunion, it felt like it all happened just yesterday. After a few moments, Keisha finally calmed herself down within the comfort of her own office, thanks to the bunch of breathing exercises that she'd learned in therapy over the years. By the time she'd recuperated, however, the majority of the reunion attendees had started to leave. Rather than stick around to speak with whomever was left, Keisha grabbed her keys and purse off her desk and left the school premises, walking straight towards her bright red Prius. The drive to her mother's apartment complex was a little under an hour ways away, but Keisha managed to shave off a few minutes by, as always, pushing the speed limit. After recent events, Keisha didn't fight the strong impulse to visit her mother for the first time in nearly two months. She had a key to the building, so she let herself right in. The apartment was quiet, with the exception of the soft hum of the refrigerator. She must've been resting. After closing the door behind her, Keisha tossed her purse on the love-seat and made her way down the hall to her mother's bedroom. As expected, she found the older woman laying fast asleep in bed, and her nurse, Edna, asleep in the rocking chair next to her. At the sound of her footsteps, however, Edna shot straight up in the seat, her eyes frantically darting around the room before focusing on Keisha. The young woman relaxed once more, a slight smile forming on her lips. "I was wondering when we'd be seeing you again." [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170422/6ca3f870f9f35b50a9dbe481526473c3.png[/img] [color=800000][h2]Keisha Carter - 2006[/h2][/color][/center] [color=800000]"Fuck off, Tyson!"[/color] Everyone knew that Ty hated being called by his full first name, but it gave Keisha great pleasure to see the vein in her older brother's forehead bulge whenever she "crossed the line," especially when she was aiming to piss him off. The two stood in front of Ty's locker, Ty searching for one of his books and Keisha looking for an argument. [color=800000]"Charlie won't even return my calls, thanks to you."[/color] After the incident between her former boyfriend and over-protective brother, Keisha couldn't find a way to get back into contact with Charlie. She wasn't sure if the problem was her or Ty, but at this point, she no longer cared. Ty was going to catch hell for what he did. [color=800000]"Even if he was a 'bad guy,' it still wasn't your decision to make [i]for me,[/i] Tyson. I'm not a little girl, anymore! I can make my own god damn choices."[/color] "Well it doesn't fucking seem like it," Ty said as he clenched his jaw, "He's a troublemaker, Nickie. A fucking criminal. You could do so much better." [color=800000]"And what makes him so different from you?"[/color] "Nothing," Ty said as he slammed his locker shut, his fist curling up at his side, "that's the point." [hr][hr] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161219/6fff2e1897fb0e121b714db5bcacca68.png[/img][/center] "Cut!" The directer yelled and clapped after Destiny finished her last scene of the day. "Good run today, Tiny," he said, and Tiny just nodded and smiled. It felt damn good to be back. After chugging the rest of her water, she reached into her purse for her cell phone. She was very surprised to see a message from one of her fellow cast members. [color=darkturquoise][quote=Izabella Wellington][i]Hello, darlings! If any of you are as hungry as I am, I’ll be having dinner in about a half hour at Giuliano’s (the hotel’s Italian restaurant) if anyone wishes to join me. I hope to see any of you there![/i][/quote][/color] [color=thistle]"Well, I guess I just hurry and get changed, then,"[/color] Destiny said, checking the time on her phone. She hadn't even realized how hungry she really was.