[@ClocktowerEchos] They can also have one hand on a mounted turret, or depending on their car, install controls on the wheel/panel to fire off whatever is in their arsenal. But to better answer your question yes, people are allowed to act as gunners/support for drivers. In fact I encourage this as it will make for some awesome collab posts which I enjoy. Keep that in mind future applicants. PM or post here if you'd like to be support staff to any players that are drivers (Clive or my main character included) and just post in the vehicle section as to who you'll be riding along with. [@Lady Selune] You most definitely can set your car as an interceptor. That's also another thing I'd like to add for anyone wanting to apply: If you'd like to include any sort of lore from the franchise, so long as it has no relation to them (acting as an homage) I will allow it. [@Mercenary Lord] Um... holy shit this is brilliant stuff! Heck, even if you don't have time please feel free to pop in and drop off some more music. I'll be checking character sheets in just a little bit. Just so we're all on the same page, who is officially done with theirs?