Going back down the hall to try another door held some appeal, but he saw no real harm in exploring a little further. There was always a chance that whatever made these webs would show up, but there was always a chance that it wouldn't. And besides, there was investigating to be done in this library. "I think we should at least figure out where the light is coming from." Derrick said. "I don't think it matters much either way." At least they knew what could be coming in the library. Odds were that the things behind the doors in the hall were similar to the first door they tried - bedrooms to either monsters or nowhere in particular. The wind and the light promised something, at least, that there was either a hole in a wall somewhere or something else that would still probably be worth looking into. "The light over there might be a way out, or something." Derrick said, pointing in the direction the breeze was coming from. "And, I mean, we may or may not face monsters either way, so..." [@Dusksong][@Hekazu]