Hey, you! Yes, you! I need your help! My name is Rockin' Strings. I've been sucked into the Multiverse through my computer. I have become my character! All I know so far is we need to find the pieces of the Crucible and put them back together so we can go home. You'll be pulled in once you finish your Character Sheet. [wait for acceptance before posting] Don't worry about what will happen to you. I've looked back in the real world and Code has made a copy of me that can hold my spot until I get back. Who's Code? Don't worry. You'll meet Code, Anomaly, and Birth when you get here. They're the ones who were born by the Crucible. We don't have much time. The portal to the first world is opening soon! ----- Rules: 1] You will be OP. If your character isn't as strong as the others just starting, you can add to them until you make your first post. 2] After each world, there will be an upgrade. 3] Despite rule 1, there will be a limit on what new characters can and cannot do. 4] Certain characters are off limits. Examples - Discord, Q, Sheogorath 5] The password is plures mundos. 6] You may play multiple characters but only 1 new character per new world. 7] I will settle any disputes. 8] Characters have no limits on what world they can be from. 9] If you wish to have an entity character, they must make sense to the multiverse. No world-killers. 10] Do not post your character in the characters tab until they have been approved. 11] Respect each other and the guild's rules. 12] Post when you can. Don't rush yourself. If you take too long, I will send a PM asking you if you need us to pass you or wait for another day or 2. Preferably, try to post at least once a week. If you know ahead of time you won't be able to post, tell me and I will do my best to work around you. 13] Have fun and be creative. ----- CS Name: Age: Race: World: Appearance: [Pictures are fine but words are necessary.] Personality: Background: Powers: [Magic, Psionics, stuff like that.] Abilities: [Acrobatics, natural flight, lockpicking, etc.] Resistances: Weaknesses: Password: