"Just 'cuz you get it all the time that doesn't make it any better. Hell that makes it worse, you know? If you broke an arm or whatever all the time you'd be more careful..." Takeshi had no desire to fight Shu anymore, not with how very clearly his little brother was shaken up. The fact that Aito had even had to come down to see him now was clicking, if the doc saw a reason to see Shu then he was actually hurt right? Even if they spelled it out for the little guy he'd probably still want to fight and he didn't know how to make his brother back out. Would he get pissed if he just forfeited the match? Takeshi did know what Shu was talking about, he'd been there too. Of course his punishment for being caught was nowhere near as bad but he'd been there, he'd lost what it was like to be free. Hell even before that he'd actively avoided people as much as he could and it was only because of Shu he'd gotten so involved. They could be part of this and not have to fight each other, the people would get over it and they wouldn't be any worse for wear. It was strange having a feeling of absolutely not wanting to fight. Shu seemed so adamant about it though and much as Takeshi wanted to just refuse letting his brother fight he didn't know if he had the heart to. This was about pride for Shu wasn't it? Even if the little guy didn't say so outright he didn't want to be babied and coddled, even Takeshi figured that much by how Aito was treating him. "Fine, you wanna fight squirt? We'll fight, it'll be our little rematch from our first tournament. That means you've got to go into this like you're gonna win, okay?" They'd have their match then, he just had to come up with some kind of plan before it began. No way was he going to fight his brother in the state he was, and truth be told Takeshi hardly cared about winning. Nothing was to gain from a mismatch tournament where, as Ricken had pointed out, it was grossly in their favor from the beginning. Even without Ki how was anyone supposed to match the strength and speed of Saiyans? Ricken and Sasha had been the closest and at best they'd managed a few seconds longer than others, which meant their fight was basically what this whole mess led up to. It should be epic then, but Takeshi felt like he'd just as soon throw it for Shu's sake. And he probably would. "Relax so your head stops spinning, and get ready to get your butt kick," the older boy teased, putting on as much a smile as he could, "I'm not gonna let you win."