[hr][center][h1][b][i]Scooby Gang[/i][/b][/h1][hr][b][i][color=82ca9d]Location: [/color][/i][/b]Grand Continental[/center][hr] [color=82ca9d]"No, that won't be necessary,"[/color] Peter said to Haakon when he mentioned going to speak privately in the mans personal quarters. He was glad that Sgt. Walsh had taken off after Aziza, they seemed to have a decent friendship going on and the man was former Kings Military from what he had gathered so he was surely trained in combat on some level. Most sergeants were. He was going to say more but Josephine piped in with her two shillings as it were. Biting his tongue for a moment he thought of following up but it seemed his uncle beat him to the punch. He wasn't used to the [b]LORD MAJOR![/b] being this vocal, well not about these things but then again he was younger the last time he had seen his uncle and his uncle wasn't seen on the job by him so much as coming back from some battle and Peter getting the harrowing tales. Reginald was Mythic in a young mans eyes, the romantic story told of wars by poets. The man before him now was the officer. He knew he had it in him he just really had never witnessed it. Well other than his uncle and his father had "fighting" words, but that was family. Taking a breath once Reginald had finished Peter cleared his throat. [color=82ca9d]"Miss Clark, if you would, let me try to add a bit to that. It is nothing personal. All who stay within the barracks have to sign. Our short little drink earlier was not enough to raise cause for signatures but the situation has changed. Even the Lady Munn would have signed one before if she stayed within the barracks. And she is of royal lines. As far as you vouching for Mr. Elvsgaard but I have two points to make on that. The first being since we do not know you we cannot take your word. Yes, you could be as honorable as his majesty and giving your word that we should trust someone. Or you could be a underground sort vouching for another. We have no way of knowing. The second, is just how long have you known the man? An American in Cairo vouching for a man not native to your country or this one? It could not have been long,"[/color] Peter said in a frank manner. It didn't help that Haakon had tried to push himself in earlier and get information that was not his to have when he first arrived. It left a bad taste in his mouth. And Peter wasn't exactly fond of Americans either. It wasn't that he didn't believe they had their virtues but they tended to be a bit boorish in his opinion. Granted that was just the general opinion of English Peers when speaking about Americans in general. Yet there was much going on and in the end Peter wanted to do what was best in Vera's eyes right then. He knew her love of Egypt, and this mystery that was unfolding (well what little he knew of it) he was sure was something she wanted to look into. Pushing these two away probably wouldn't be the best, even if he didn't have a problem with them fending for themselves. Pinching the bridge of his nose he stepped over to Haakon. Swallowing his pride he stated something he swore he would never do. [color=82ca9d]"Mr. Elvsgaard, I will strike a temporary truce with you; On the following conditions. Sign the papers and keep this out of any publications of yours ever and I will supply you with an exclusive accounting of some thing more, of my time in Germany, as long as your source remains anonymous. I give my word as a Lord and Officer of his Majesty but considering the circumstances, I will also sign a contract stating as such. Do we have an accord?"[/color] It was the last thing Peter wished to discuss. It was hard times and something he wanted to put behind him. One persons tragedy should not be fodder for the masses as far as he was concerned. It was just rude. Yet, he was at a cross roads. Dig up his own past which he knew the papers would eat up since everyone in Europe had been trying to get a hold of the story since his return or risk what was happening with Veras investigation get out and Aziza be put in harms way. He was a gentleman, above all else. If his misery bought peace, so be it. Thinking for a moment Peter looked over at Josephine. [color=82ca9d]"And I would need you to agree to the same. Considering you two are close enough for you to vouch for him. I will require your signature as well. I would hate to later see all of this on the, how do you American's say? The Silver screen. If you both agree, Mr. Elvsgaard gets the scoop of the decade."[/color] The last thing he needed was Aziza and Vera being portrayed by some American for the entertainment of Cowboys... Aziza was not as calm as Peter was, that was for sure. By the time she heard Harry she was half way down between the first and second floor stairs. Coming to a rough stop she rested her hand on the banister. Her head was down and her hair covering her features as it framed her face and cascaded down past her waist. Looking up slowly and over towards she looked very upset. Tears streaking down her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. She had never told Harry why she was in Cairo. After her outburst just then she felt he needed to know but she didn't want to spout it out in the middle of a stair case with people passing as they came and went from their rooms. Right then she just groaned in frustration before lowering her head again. [color=a187be]"I'm sorry for my tirade,"[/color] she said before kneeling down and resting back against the staircase banister. Pulling her knees up and tucking them under her skirts. [color=a187be]"I'm scared..."[/color] she admitted meekly before burying her face in her hands. [hr][center][h1][b][i]Elsewhere In The City[/i][/b][/h1][/center][hr] Vera groaned when she heard what happened but looked over towards Lauren confused when she said she had spoken in her sleep. [color=f7976a]"Well.. I never. I.. bollocks..."[/color] she grumbled before laying her head back on the side of the bed as she sat on the floor. [color=f7976a]"I guess I cannot say I never uttered words when I slumbered but honestly I cannot fathom what I meant."[/color] she said rubbing her temples. She wasn't exactly sure what she had meant by that. Had it meant anything at all? Or was it just a drunken stupor? Trying to figure it out was making her head hurt. Hearing a knock on the door her head rolled to the side to look in that direction but she didn't move. If she did she might fall off the edge of the world. Or at least it felt like that. Everything was spinning. At the door was one of the stewards. "Excuse me, ladies. I have something for Miss Ridgeway to sign," he called out from the other side of the door. Once it was opened he would explain about the non-disclosure agreement that needed to be signed and that Lady Munn's signature was still active on record from her signing it months ago. She had signed several over the years. Especially when she visited Egypt. She was used to these types of things. Mums the word she teased was the Munn family motto. "Oh posh, you keep that," the old woman said before stepping into the room and setting the tray down for her on one of the tables. "Helping someone get some sleep after dealing with that trite is payment enough for me," she said with a sly old smirk on her lips. "I cannot stand that surgeon but sadly he is all we have currently. I had to see him for a dislocated shoulder about six months ago. Why I have no idea, my son worries." Rolling her eyes and holding her hands up in defeat. "The man got it back in all while telling me of the fragility of the female body. Fragile my back side. I birthed four sons and still walk with less problems than that man. Even suggested helping me with female hysteria! Ugh you know why us women are always blowing up? Because men are stupid boys who never grow up," she said as she as she adjusted her shawl. "Why they keep their mothers close. You forever have to kiss their bruised ego's while they claim to know how to run things."