[h3]Hi, I'm [color=red]Dave.[/color][/h3] Formal introductions out of the way, let me jump right in and tell you what I'm looking for. • [b]Any pairings are fine with me.[/b] MxM? Sure. FxF? Why not? MxF? Let's gooooo! • [b]Most settings are fine with me.[/b] I'm willing to come up with one or do one that you have in mind. • [b]Collaboration is key with me.[/b] I can pull most of the weight, but communication is going to be important so I know what you're okay with, what your character is okay with, and so that I make sure we're on the same page. • [b]Realism is important with me.[/b] To a degree. I'm not saying we can't have transgender asexual elves with three legs, four arms, and two sets of wings as characters, I'm just saying that they have to react in a reasonable way that correlates with their personality traits. ○ [i]I want balance.[/i] Everything [i]cannot[/i] be positively peaches and cream all the time, just like everything [i]cannot[/i] be negatively thorns and needles all the time. ○ [i]Comedic relief.[/i] Most beings' natural reactions to tragedy is to make a joke out of it so it doesn't seem so bad. Case endpoint. • [b]Plot, plot, plot.[/b] Is the role-play slowing down? Let's not get bored and just drop it. Let's either find a way to continue on the plot, or create an ending. • [b]I will include small details.[/b] If it seems like I'm throwing something in there for no reason, there's a reason. If I'm repeating something from a previous post, it's either significant, or you didn't acknowledge it in the way I wanted you to. [hr] Currently, I role-play with [i][b]two[/b][/i] other members of the Guild. One is my girlfriend, and one is my mom-friend. I have two active role-plays with my girlfriend and one active role-play with my mom-friend. [b]I may not be able to get a post in every day.[/b] I work full-time and also help my ill mother around the house, as well as occasionally babysitting for my aunt and/or sister. I will definitely try to get one post in every day, at [i]least[/i], but if I can't, I will make sure to talk to you regardless so that you know I'm not just dropping it. Thanks for reading!